Sample answers to Essay 1:
“future scenarios”
(alphabetical order)
Oneydy Alonzo, The Self
and the Other vs. Community and Nature
Kimberly Berlin,
Brandon Burrow,
Alien Contact, Ecotopias, and the “Other” Dimension
Sage Butler,
Response to Harming our Planet: Fight or Flight?
Christopher Carlson,
Out with the Old and in with the New: A Comparison between High-Tech and
Low-Tech Societies
Zachariah Gandin,
The Humanistic Element of the
Andrea Gerlach,
Connection: Artificial or Otherwise
Audrey Lange,
Ultra-Terrestrial or Extra-Terrestrial: Comparable Futures in Fiction
Beau Manshack,
Alien Punks: Comparing the Genres of Alien
Contact and High-Tech Narratives
Breanna Runnels, Comparative
Scenarios of the Future
Sample answers to Essay 2:
Research Report on personal /
professional topic (alphabetical order)
Kimberly Berlin,
Humans are Space Orcs: A Subgenre of Science Fiction
Brandon Burrow, Whose Future is
it Anyway?
Sage Butler,
Blessed Be the Fruit
Christopher Carlson,
Humanity’s Extinction: The Loss of the Human form for the Artificial One
Amanda Cowart,
The Future of Medical Technology: Our Doom or Our Bloom
Tim Doherty, Wells and Butler:
Hope in Hopeless Times
Zachariah Gandin, The Future of
Andrea Gerlach, Utopia
and Declinism in Future Narratives
Heidi Kreeger,
The Importance of Being Earnest: Using
Literature to Combat Climate Change NOW
Audrey Lange,
Philology of the Future: Linguistics and Language Formation in Future Fiction
D'Layne Lee, Symbolism in the
Breanna Runnels, Questionable
Roles of Women in Science Fiction