LITR 4368
Literature of the Future

Model Assignments

Final Exam Essays 2019


 Sample answers for Part 2:
research report


Christopher Carlson

Humanity’s Extinction: The Loss of the Human form for the Artificial One

          The idea of what makes mankind human has always been a topic of interest for me. Some of my favorite movies, tv shows, and books take this into account, but instead look to see when one can be human vs artificial. I plan on looking to see how other science fiction and speculative fiction take this idea further by examining the very nature of cybernetic augmentation and at what point one loses their sense of humanity or, alternatively, when artificial intelligence attains this sense of humanity as well as presenting the testimony of experts on this topic to help in explaining it.

          Humanity is an exceedingly difficult word to define. When I think about what it means to be human, I often imagine a regular person with morals and feelings like myself. This definition, however, has started to become slightly more complex. When AI is getting to a point where it can mimic our actions and perform commands that indicate a higher intelligence then even ourselves, how can a human mind and AI really be all that different? Slipper and More provide an example using the medical profession when they state, “It is not hard to imagine an advanced med-coach, where the patient relaxes comfortably while Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms diagnose the irksome hairline fracture, whereupon a 3D printer produces a cast, which a robotic arm proceeds to place posthaste. And all this done sans human.” (1). If we look at what they are discussing and apply it to an AI with advanced enough systems that can simulate humans, the role of diagnosing others and applying the proper procedures as a doctor would do, would that not be any different than a mind and soul without a body? Who’s to say that not all these actions could be done by one machine with the ability to think and feel like a human can?

Ghost in the Shell shows another related idea with the character of the Puppet Master. The main character of the film and manga is entirely cybernetic except for her human brain. However, the puppet master, who is the main villain, is able to permanently gain access to her brain, by hacking into it, and lives alongside her as a separate consciousness, sort of like a multiple personality disorder patient. When one loses all aspects of his/her human body except their brain and then has this hacked into, would not both presences, the human mind and the artificial one, be seen as being equally human? Huang and Rust describe a similar notion in their work about AI replacing human jobs.

 Rust and Huang state that, “Eventually, AI will be capable of performing even the intuitive and empathetic tasks, which enable innovative ways of human machine integration for providing service but also results in a fundamental threat of human employment.” (1). Part of our day to day lives is the ability to perform a task that only certain people are capable of doing. Whenever the idea of automation comes up, it is stating that a machine is better suited to take on a human task, such as building or diagnosing. If AI becomes advanced enough to perform all the tasks that a normal human would perform, what really sets it apart from us? One might argue that since a machine has taken on a human position, they are more human than you, in terms of being able to do human labor. While my claim does not show that the AI has human feelings or a soul, this is not too far off.

Blade Runner 2049 examines this very idea. There is a character within the film named Joi. She is an advanced holographic AI that takes the place of a physical romantic partner for the main character of the movie. She is able to experience complex human emotions like grief, happiness, longing, and love, despite the fact that she lacks a human body and the ability to move independently of the flash drive she inhabits. Like AI replacing human jobs, this film presents the idea of AI replacing human relations. When one does not have to undertake the complex journey of finding a compatible romantic partner, but can instead have an advanced AI programmed that is capable of feeling and experiencing nearly all things a normal human can, except physical intimacy, what really makes the artificial partner different from a human partner? Oskar Gruenwald feels there is still a great deal of problems here when he says, “Are we, then, at the threshold of exchanging the complexity of genuine relationships with other human beings for the artificial relationships with machines that can be programmed to feign human emotions?” (7). By using words like genuine, one can see that he feels AI will be unable to surpass the emotional complexity of a human being, due to its limited understanding of complex situations,

A not so advanced emotion feeling AI is also shown in the work Somebody Up there Likes Me. Ralph Lombregia writes, “A high-pitched squeal was emerging from the thing. An oscilloscope portrayed the computer’s demise in ghostly green wiggles-lots of waves, lines with some waves, nothing but lines…‘He’s an abuse tester,’ I whispered to Boyce. ‘You didn’t tell me that. He kills computers for a living.’” (228). The verbage that the author uses here implies that the machine is more human than current computers. His usage of words like ‘squeal’, ‘demise’, ‘abuse’, and ‘death’ all point to the idea that the AI is advanced enough to feel pain, suffer, and die, as if it were a living organism. The way the main character feels about the destruction of the computer implies that he sees it as being alive and Mickey acting as a murderer.  If AI can become so human-like that we question its artificiality, can the opposite of this take place? Can a human lose nearly all aspects of its humanity to the point where he/she is now artificial?

This very idea of eventually losing one’s humanity to the machine is usually mentioned when dealing with prosthesis or bodily augmentation, which is similar to the topic that the author Stefan Greiner mentions in his work. Greiner states that, “This advance in the history of prosthetics is important to note because it marks the moment when the inside/outside view of the human body began to blur. Myoelectric and, nowadays, nanotechnology-based neuroelectronic interfaces are basically following in this tradition and make the inappropriateness of distinguishing a biological body from its technical extensions even more obvious.” (300-301). Here, Greiner is claiming that we are becoming more and more cybernetic in nature overall and that this makes us look inward and outward at ourselves and question how human we really are. By using a word like blur, he is implying that it is difficult to tell when one is still human or machine when this augmentation enters into the mix.

Stone Lives examines a similar idea with his prosthesis. Stone’s new eyes give him the ability to see all the world around him, as well as different ways of seeing that are of a non-human variety. He mentions how his augment has caused him to lose his heightened hearing and smelling that he had cultivated while living in the poorer region. Since this was what made him part of who he was, does his losing of this because of the augment imply that he has lost some of his humanity as well? Like what Greiner said, can we really look at ourselves as still being human when we see artificial augments on our bodies? We may still possess human emotions and tendencies, but do we not also lose pieces of ourselves that make us less of who we once were? Ghost in the Shell examines this idea further.

As I mentioned in an earlier paragraph, Major Motoko, the main character, is entirely cybernetic except for her very human brain. She works as a crime fighter for the Japanese government. Her coworkers are also augmented to varying degrees, one is as augmented as her while another is entirely human in nature. These varying degrees of augmentation allow the viewer to get an idea of at what point they feel the human has become the machine. Another aspect that makes the human more like the artificial is its ability to travel along the net like an AI does when searching the web. Hyewon Shin claims, however, that her humanity is still retained in his essay about the film. She claims that, “The voice, a material sign of identity and human property, is an ambiguous vestige of disembodied presence: the ghost. It is a simulacrum, an echo, an effect of life in Ghost in the Shell. The ‘bodiless’ voice throughout the net seems to imitate the theological self-presence of a spirit.” (10). The author here seems to be stating that since the soul is able to travel along the net, the human still exists, even when it is not connected to a body. By describing it as such, it almost seems that the author is claiming the soul to be like artificial intelligence. While explaining that the soul traveling is still proving human existence, it travels along the artificial medium that AI utilizes. In this way, her idea almost seems to be saying that the life is there but not like it used to be. This talk almost sounds evolutionary in nature. Perhaps authors are claiming that instead of becoming artificial, the artificial will help shape what we become in terms of our evolution? This is called the singularity, the point when AI and human merge into one being, and many thinkers have some insight into this idea.

          Authors Wang, Liu, and Dougherty doubt the existence of such an AI ever achieving a status above that of humans. They state, “Since we do not believe an R-Type system can exist, we do not think “singularity” (in its original sense) can happen. However, we do believe AGI systems can be built with meta-level capability comparable to that of a human mind (i.e., neither higher nor lower, although not necessarily identical), and object-level capability higher than that of a human mind.” (7). While this quote sounds exceedingly complicated, these authors are essentially stating that based off of the current systems in place, the kind of AI necessary for a singularity would probably not occur, although AI could develop to a point relatively close to this idea. AI might not be able to learn quite like a human might, but still the idea that it can come even close to that is still relatively terrifying. This is especially true when you consider what was deemed impossible in the past. Hundreds of years ago people thought we would never leave our planet, and here we are in our current era having gone to the moon multiple times with quite a few people also having gone to the ISS. They might think it impossible, but the future of computers is one that is tough to figure out. While these authors seem skeptical on the idea of an artificial intelligence and human hybrid, the short story Drapes and Folds seems to show a different stance on this issue.

          Drapes and Folds features a character that is a hybrid between human and cyborg. Her difference, however, was that she was born/made as a human robot mix and did not adapt into this status. The book describes these individuals as, “NewOnes, NewSociety citizens farmed after the year 2025, were a ghastly mix of human and roboid.” (129). While the process by which these beings are created sounds exceedingly alien, since it almost sounds like they are grown and harvested and not bred like humans, Xera still exhibits some humanistic qualities. One such instance is when she says, “‘Gran,’ Xera vevved. Oh, that word! The word I’d waited so long to hear! I moved to embrace my dear girl, she rolled backwards and popped her arm right out of the socket.” (138). Here, we hear a term of endearment being said by Xera that almost gives her a kind of primitive human emotion of love. While the removal of her arm makes us again question her stance as a human, it seems that the author wants us to realize the difficulty in making the distinction. It is no different from her grandmother who has the rollers put on to make it easier for her to get around. (128). While this is not a total cybernetic augmentation, this story shows the blurred line between human and robot by making the childbearing process seem like a mixing between human DNA and robotic implants as well as looking at human augmenting their own bodies with robotic parts. This is further seen in the story Johnny Mnemonic.

          In this story, an advanced world is shown where cybernetic augmentation impacts a wide variety of people, and animals, in a myriad of ways. Johnny acts as a kind of carrier. He stores secrets for different individuals, and this is accessed by that person saying the code phrase which causes Johnny to lose consciousness and forget that he spilt this information. This can be seen when he says, “I had hundreds of megabytes stashed in my head on an idiot/savant basis, information I had no conscious access to. Ralfi had left it there. He hadn’t, however, come back for it. Only Ralfi could retrieve the data, with a code phrase of his own invention.” (1.5). Here, Gibson is describing the memories of Johnny a lot like a computer. One needs a password to gain access into the data within a computer and once the password is accepted, the computer turns on. Ironically, when the password is said to Johnny, his human side literally turns off and it seems like a receptive AI of sorts takes over and spouts off the info, which would explain Johnny’s lack of memory in this story. In my opinion, it seems like Gibson is saying that mankind can live alongside the mechanical world, but it can often be abused by others to bring harm upon others. The tech in this story does not seem to be able of consciousness itself, but it simply acts as a firewall for the human mind, which sounds like an evolutionary idea. Since it is leaning more towards singularity in my discussion, Dr. Logan’s work will provide further background on this topic.

          Dr. Logan appears to share the same stance on a possible singularity as Dougherty, Liu, and Wang. He claims that, “A computer through AGI can become a brain of sorts but not a mind because it does not possess language and therefore cannot listen to its internal speech and therefore cannot become conscious. A form of intelligence that is not conscious of its mental processes is severely limited and therefore could never compete with the human mind.” (4). When we think of the process of developing a language, we as people had to work to develop the minute details and determine how all the pieces would weave together to create the varied tapestry of our language. AI currently does not have the means to create such a vast intricate network in which to commune with itself and other AI’s. As such, Logan sees this as a major blow against the notion that there will be a singularity. He also states that because they are currently unable to develop emotions, they will not be able to solve complex issues and gain new knowledge from them he claims that many respected thinkers feel that this is a vital piece to the puzzle. (5). Since Logan sees two strikes against the idea of a singularity, it is quite possible that such a phase in our evolution may not occur or may take multiple generations to come to fruition.

While I personally lean towards the belief that AI will become advanced enough to comprehend all of our complex emotions and nuances, many of my experts seems to feel that while AI will become exceedingly more technologically advanced, it will never be able to replace human interactions. Some of my other experts feel that we as people are becoming more cybernetic and that this infusion with the machine is a difficult idea to define. While some seem to feel that we are losing our humanity, Shin makes it sound like that as long as we have our souls, we will always remain human no matter what container we are placed in.

Work Cited:

Blade Runner 2049. Dir. Denis Villeneuve. Perf. Ryan Gosling, Ana De Armas, and Harrison Ford. Alcon Entertainment, 2017

Ghost in the Shell. Dir. Mamoru Oshii. Perf. Atsuko Tanaka, Akio Ōtsuka, and Iemasa Kayumi. Bandai Visual, 1995.

Greiner, Stefan. "Cyborg Bodies—Self-Reflections on Sensory Augmentations." Nanoethics, vol. 8, no. 3, 2014, pp. 299-302.

Huang, Ming-Hui, and Roland T. Rust. "Artificial Intelligence in Service." Journal of Service Research, vol. 21, no. 2, 2018, pp. 155-172.

Logan, Robert. "Can Computers Become Conscious, an Essential Condition for the Singularity?" Information, vol. 8, no. 4, 2017, pp. 161.

Lombreglia, Ralph. “Somebody Up There Likes Me.” Virtually Now, edited by Jeanne Schinto, Persea Books, 1996, pp. 208-237.

Shin, Hyewon. "Voice and Vision in Oshii Mamoru's Ghost in the Shell: Beyond Cartesian Optics." Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. VI, no. 1, 2011, pp. 7-23.

Sipper, Moshe, and Jason H. Moore. "Artificial Intelligence: More Human with Human."BioData Mining, vol. 10, no. 1, 2017, pp. 34-2.

Wang, Pei, Kai Liu, and Quinn Dougherty. "Conceptions of Artificial Intelligence and Singularity." Information, vol. 9, no. 4, 2018, pp. 79.