(2015 midterm assignment)

Index to model student midterm answers 2015

LITR 4368
Literature of the Future 

Model Assignments



Essay 1: Compare, contrast, and evaluate Narratives of the Future

Michael Bradshaw, The Hero's Journey Through Time

Karin Cooper, The Alternative Evolution of the Apocalypse

Liz Davis, Three Tales of Fear

Melissa Holesovsky, The Idea of Evolution

Sarah Hurt, The Three Narratives

Fariha Khalil,Building the Future during the Present

Oz(zy) Martinez, NonManifest.

Zach Mayfield, The Beat Goes On

Cynthia Perkins, Where Do We Go From Here?

Alejandro Renteria, The Acceptance and Rejection of the Story We View

Victoria Webb, God is Change: An Analysis of Change and Progression in Narratives of the Future

Holly Williams, Narratives of the Future: Alike or Different?

Essay 2: Isolate a personal/professional topic in our course or readings (to be extended in final exam) 

Michael Bradshaw, A Disturbing Lack of Faith

Karin Cooper, Teaching Literature of the Future in a Personal Way

Melissa Holesovsky, Could it Happen?

Fariha Khalil, The Possible fates of the Human Race

Oh. Zee. (Ozzy Martinez), The Subliminal Line

Zach Mayfield, A Gendered View of the Apocalypse

Michael McDonald, Visions

Nicole McDonald, The Future in My Future

Cynthia Perkins, Literature of the Future Might Just Save the World

Nina Shaver, Beautiful Destruction

Victoria Webb, The Evolution of the Future

Holly Williams, High-Tech Science Fiction Vs. Low-Tech Science Fiction in Literature