(2015 midterm assignment)

Model Student Midterm answers 2015 (Index)

Essay 2: Personal / professional topic

LITR 4368
Literature of the Future  

Model Assignments


Nina Shaver

Beautiful Destruction

For this essay, I will be going off of my future presentation I did on the symbolism behind beauty being equal to destruction. Throughout the class, we have seen this symbolism a lot. The beauty I talk about is more of a sublime which is beauty mixed with chaos. This can be seen in the texts, The Time Machine, Parable of the Sower, and “Somebody Up There Likes Me”, as well as the short film, Elegy, we saw in a future-vision presentation.

In Parable of the Sower there is a sense of the sublime in it. In a literary sense, sublime is this idea that incorporates beauty with terror and destruction. We can see this through Lauren’s eyes when they get to Bankole’s property. The others are distraught by the fact that the place is in ruins and Lauren sees the beauty in it by realizing that it can be changed and shaped into something new. Crops can be replanted; houses can be rebuilt, and built. Work can be found not far in cities. Through destruction comes beauty. In this text we also see fire. Fire is symbolic of new life, new beginnings. It is also symbolic of destruction. The fire they encountered on their journey to Bankole’s property was both beautiful and destructive. They admired the fire when it was far in the distance but as it closed in on them, it took everything in it’s path and had it caught up with Lauren and her group, it would have consumed them as well.

          Sublime can also be seen in The Time Machine. In this text, the Eloi are extremely beautiful but at the same time they’re very delicate and have a childlike innocence about them. However, they are also sub-par when it comes to intelligence. To me this is a quip by the author, H.G. Wells that beauty leads to lack of intelligence, which in itself is destructive. We can see this when the Eloi are essentially being treated like cattle by the not so attractive, yet highly intelligent Morlocks. The Eloi have no mental capacity to truly escape the Morlock. Sure they sleep in houses in large groups each and every night but that doesn’t stop the Morlock from venturing into the compounds to deliver food to their soon to be prey. The Morlock, though not attractive, are much more intelligent in that they have the perfect food source. Another aspect of this text that shows beauty as destruction is when the time traveler introduces fire. The Eloi were both fascinated and mesmerized by this substance which they’d never seen before. The time traveler’s friend Weena wanted to run into it and play with it not knowing that it could hurt. The Morlock found out how dangerous this beautiful fire was when it blinded them and they subsequently went running right into it.

          We see beauty in a different way in “Somebody Up There Likes Me.” There is less chaos and destruction in this text and beauty is not viewed in the same light. In this text, machines and computers, are described with more human aspects such as being sexy whereas people are more so viewed as the machines. Boyce actually has a project where he was developing a set of lips that the computer could talk out of. The only destruction that is shown in this text is that Mickey is stress tester for computers. He essentially sees how much stress the computer can take before it dies. Upon seeing this, Dante and Boyce are shocked. Dante describes the computer as slowly dying an agonizing death as if it’s a living creature. He is destroying these beautiful things and that is in a way chaotic and somewhat sublime. The other beauty in this text is Boyce’s garden of paradise. It is described as lush with vegetables and fruits hanging overhead. Hummingbirds are zipping overhead and the yard is vibrant and green due to Boyce’s homemade irrigation system.

          In Elegy, we definitely see beauty as destruction. Throughout the film, there is nature all around. Nature in itself is beautiful, but it has taken over the world, slowly destroying it. In the beginning of the film, the main character is looking at newspaper clippings telling of the deadliest new plant in existence. He puts on a gas mask and makes his journey, fighting for his life along the way. When he reaches his destination, he opens a metal capsule that he’s been carrying the entire time. This causes the two men that chased him to drop dead. He then pulls out this beautiful bright red rose and places it on the grave of his beloved. After a few minutes, he takes his gas mask off and falls dead on her grave as well. Though this rose was symbolic of beauty, it was also symbolic of death as well thus beauty leading to destruction. I believe the red coloration of the rose was a warning sign much like bright colored insects and snakes that it was pretty yet poisonous and deadly.