American Literature: Romanticism
Model Assignments
Student Midterm Submissions 2016
(alphabetical order)

midterm assignmen

1. Long essay submissions

1a. Describe and focus backgrounds, learning, challenges, issues, potential applications concerning studies in American Romanticism. (7-10 paragraphs)

Caryn Livingston, America the Beautiful and Terrible: Romanticism as American Identity

Jessica Myers, American Nationalism in the American Renaissance

Umaymah Shahid, How Real is Romanticism? Finding the Real

Victoria Webb, Romanticism in the Middle School Classroom and Beyond

Brittney Wilson, Romance with a capital R

1b. Describe, analyze, and illustrate a term, objective, or combinations from our course as especially helpful for comprehending or extending American Romanticism . . .

Peter Becnel, The Usefulness of Correspondence

Liz Davis, The Sublime: When Beauty and Terror Collide

Stephen Defferari, Transdiscursive Authorship and American Romanticism

Michael Osborne, The American Individual: The Consequences of Desire as Motivation

2. Short essay submissions

2a. Highlight and analyze a passage from our course readings—your best textual experience (plus or minus class discussion) in comprehending course contents (terms, themes, objectives)

Peter Becnel, Perhaps, then, I should Gaze at the Stars

Stephen Defferari, Analysis of Perspective and the Uncanny in Hawthorne’s “The Minister’s Black Veil”

Caryn Livingston, Hawthorne’s Sad Heroic Individual

Michael Osborne, Traversing Forbidden Boundaries: “Ligeia” as Romance Narrative

2b. Choose a previously-read literary text, American or otherwise, Romantic or otherwise; apply course terms & themes / objectives; comparisons-contrasts, connects-disconnects, learning outcomes.

Liz Davis, Romanticism in Star Wars: ‘The Romanticism is strong with this one.'

Jessica Myers, Doppelganger: Splitting of Selves

Umaymah Shahid, The Woman in White: Nature, Horror, and a Quest

Victoria Webb, Shirley Jackson: A Post-Renaissance Romantic

Brittney Wilson, A Modern Adaptation of Poe’s The System of Doctor Tarr & Professor Fether

3. Web highlights

4. Research Proposals

Peter Becnel, Clarifying the Indefinable

Liz Davis, A Unification of the Inner Self

Stephen Defferari, Romantic Identity: Dualities and Trifectas

Caryn Livingston, Feminine Desire and Loss in Romantic Poetry

Jessica Myers, Grappling with the Intangible

Michael Osborne, Learning from the Recent Past

Umaymah Shahid, Romantic Individualism: Not as Simple as It Seems

Victoria Webb, Defending American Literature: A Web Review

Brittney Wilson, Keeping the Ball Rolling

Research proposals (alphabetical order)