Any list of
genres is incomplete and chaotic, as new genres constantly evolve from old ones. Literary or academic genres ABC’s allegory anthology aubade autobiography biography books of quotations carol catechism chapbook chronicle children’s literature comedy, high comedy, low comedy comedy of manners cyberpunk science fiction detective story / novel diary drama dramatic monologue elegy epic, art epic, folk epic epistolary novel (novel told in letters) erotic literature, “erotica” (careful with examples) essay fable fairy tale(s) fantasy farce film noir giftbooks the gothic, gothic novel haiku historical novel, historical romance historylegend letters, epistles limerick memoirs or memoir military history mystery story / novel myth narrative poem novelette one-act play opera paean, odesentimental comedy parody pastoral—pastoral drama, pastoral elegy, pastoral romance picaresque novel primers problem novel, propaganda novel proverbs, aphorisms, wise sayings, epigrams, epitaphs psychological novel, stream of consciousness novel romance, medieval romance saga satire, parody, burlesque, farce sentimental novel sermon short story sketch song, chanson sonnet steampunk science fiction textbooks tragicomedy trilogy villanelle
Popular culture genres adventure novel / movie apocalyptic fiction (Left Behind series) column (i. e., newspaper column, e. g., Leon Hale, Molly Ivins) comic books comic sketch (Saturday Night Live, Living Color, etc.) commercial(s) courtroom drama dark fantasy dinner theaters, bedroom farce eulogy fantasy Harlequin or Silhouette Romance, Fabio novels, etc. hymn horror hospital drama infomercial(s) instant books or "newsstand quickies" (pulp nonfiction or journalistic books published soon after a disaster) makeover shows (faces, bodies, houses) monologues (a.k.a. "stand-up" comedy) monster movies music video musicals musical comedies police drama pornography (careful with examples!) professional wrestling shows, “Wrestle-Mania,” etc.' reality shows religious epics (movies or books) religious fiction sandal-and-toga movies self-help slapstick slasher movies soap opera or daytime drama “spectacles” sporting event(s) spy novels / spy movies / James Bond novels / movies supernatural fiction sword-and-bosom movies, “cloak & sword romance” (Sp. Comediade capta y espada) talent shows (American Idol, America's Got Talent, etc.) talk radio talk show(s) Tarzan novels / movies techno-fantasy techno-thrillers (Tom Clancy, Hunt for Red October, etc.) telenovela thrillers trailers (i.e. movie previews) “treasuries” or collections variety shows web page(s) western novel / movie
emerging genres graphic novels (long comic
books) computer games, video games transmedia
speech genres political speech valediction baccalaureate (graduation speech) prayers benedictions eulogies farewells