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LITR 3731:
Writing 2006

Student Drafts of Manuscripts to be discussed at upcoming classes


28 August: Heather Meza, "My Last 5 Minutes"

28 August: Keely Flom, "Dark Days"

11 Sept.: Anissa Cantin, "Prayer of a Shrine Clown"

11 Sept.: Rosalinda Ortiz, "Moving On"

18 Sept.: Tami Gilley, "Understanding"

18 Sept.: Joanna Ellis, "Redemption"

18 Sept.: Jonathan Moeller, Two versions of "The Storm"

25 Sept.: Patty Coleman, "I'm Cool"

25 Sept.: JT O'Neal, "The Lady and the Mountain"

2 October: Sheila Rhodes, "People"

2 October: Neelam Damani, "Swan Song"

2 October: Kayce Kay Goodro, "Always Be"


9 October: Mary Bel Garza, "The Past"

9 October: Charity English, "Carolina Moon"

16 October: Javier Carbajal, "Today will always be Tomorrow"

16 October: Theresa Mullins, "Taking a Chance"

30 October: Joe Cuellar, "Lone Pairs"

30 October: Ron Burton, "Francis Liberty"

6 November: Demra Trube, "One More Time"

6 November: Laura Guerrero, "Where do I begin?"

13 November: Heidi Gerke, "Family Obligation"

13 November: Melissa Jones, "This Place"

20 November: Karen Heidrich, from Applied Therapy

20 November: Marina Collier, "Jack, His Life, Adventures, and Boots . . . "