The Lady and the Mountain by JT O’Neal She wanders this lonesome mountain Where the sun shies from a touch And each crackling step breaks the icy silence on the path to a bygone farmhouse Through a ruined doorway She steps a century back A thick of ghosts sting her cheeks with stares from bone-chilled hollows Chaffing their hands by the shadow of flame They cling to each other in defiance of forgetting playing the parlor game of who they were She leaves behind these two small rooms In the shimmering silver footfalls Of a woman once called mother Hand in hand they drift down the mountain There, on this lonesome mountain The Lady leaves behind the lying evergreens for bare limbs that stain the snow with glistening red ribbons of shade With her hands in the land she raises A joyful elegy and sings for the unremembered who step in time to the music of memory
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