Jonathon Anderson, A Long Time Coming Melissa Hodgkins, Modernism and Fairy Tales: My Kind of Romance
Hanna Mak
1. Why do “desire and loss” re-appear so frequently in American Romantic texts, both as driving forces in the “romance” narrative and as indexes for Romantic values?
Gregory Buchanan,
Philosophy and Literature United in American Romanticism Hanna Mak, The Relevance
of Desire and Loss
Marichia Lee Wyatt, Falling Back in Love
2. How has American Romanticism continued or changed in post-Romantic American literature?—that is, literature after the Civil War and American Renaissance of the pre-Civil War generation of the1820s-1860s? . . .
Jonathon Anderson, “The early impressions remain”:
Romanticism as Touchstone in American Literature
3. . . . Romanticism must adapt to a multi-racial and multicultural nation . . . . Write an essay involving three writers representing at least two of the three major early American races (or ethnicities) . . . . Heather
Schutmaat, The Romance Narrative in
the Works of Douglass, Jacobs, and Stowe
4. Citing at least three authors, review and evaluate some varieties of the Gothic encountered this semester. Why does the Gothic recur so frequently . . . ? Why is it so adaptable to different environments, and what different purposes may it serve? . . . Niki
Bippen, The Haunting of American Romanticism Melissa Hodgkins, Sin, Decay, & the Old South Marissa Holland, Varieties of the Gothic
5. Review and defend Romantic Poetry as an essential medium for American Romanticism, explicating 2-3 poems (one of which may be outside our course readings).
Hanna Mak, Approaching the Study of American Romantic Poetry Lori Wheeler,
Poetry and the Perpetual Dream
Marichia Wyatt, Short, Sweet, and Subjective
6. The "romance narrative" . . . Define the concept . . . . Describe its appearances in at least three of our texts, citing its potential variations for different writers and identities. For a theoretical angle, identify the potential value of studying narrative along with its conceptual challenges.
Gregory Buchanan, The Dark Romance Narrative Heather
Schutmaat, The Romance Narrative in
the Works of Douglass, Jacobs, and Stowe
7. Write an essay concerning some persistent or occasional issue, problem, or theme significant to the course but overlooked by the previous questions.