Online Texts for Craig White's Literature Courses

 Of Plymouth Plantation (selections)

William Bradford (1590-1657)

The Mayflower in Harbor

A Puritan Couple

Readings for 1st meeting: Chapters I-IV

Readings for 2nd class meeting



Instructor's notes and acknowledgements:

  • Not a critical or scholarly text but a reading text for a seminar

  • Bradford' history, written in the 1620s-1650s, was first published in 1856.

  • Gratefully copied and adapted from a variety of internet sources, including Early Americas Digital Archive:, scanned from the version edited by Samuel Eliot Morison; and the Plymouth Archive Project, University of Illinois-University Circle:

  • Changes may include paragraph divisions, highlights, modernized spelling, bracketed annotations, & elisions (marked by ellipses . . . )

  • I have consulted but not copied the updated version edited by Francis Murphy (Modern Library, 1981)