(This webpage is the assignment for our course's midterm, to be reviewed, updated, and refined up to 20 June.)
Attendance not required on Tuesday 21 June. Classroom available
for student use.
Value: app. 25-35% of final grade (grades not computed numerically). Submission expectations: By midnight Wednesday 22 June, but we have class the next afternoon and I won't start reading midterms till Friday. Therefore, if you want or need more time to complete in good form, communicate and update plans. Instructor intends to read and return midterm submissions by end of coming weekend (25-26 June), so sometime Friday for submission remains possible.
Contents: 2 essays
Special Requirements:
Content Details Essay 1: Web Highlights reviewing at least 3 submissions (previous midterms, research posts, and final exams) in seminar's Model Assignments (5-8 paragraphs) Assignment: Review at least 3 submissions on the course webpage’s “Model Assignments” page and write 5-8 paragraphs (total) on what you observed and learned. Purpose: To enhance peer-instruction and potential for seminar to build on earlier seminars' learning. Requirements & guidelines: At least one Model Assignment must be a midterm from the seminar's previous semesters. You may limit your review to midterms, but research posts and final exams are also available from several summers. You may also review Model Assignments at this seminar's corresponding undergraduate course, LITR 4333 American Immigrant Literature. “Review”: Describe what interested or impressed you, where, why, and what you learned or admired, what the critical text achieved. You may criticize what you found, but not required. To identify assignments or passages to which you respond, copy and paste brief selections into your web review, or simply refer to them (author, title, semester?) with paraphrases, summaries, and brief quotations. (You'll see both options in models.) Either way, highlight and discuss passages' language as part of your review. Critique what you’re reviewing in terms of what you learn or where the model disappoints. Option: What did you learn from reviewing model assignments that you didn't learn from in-class discussion or instruction? Web highlights from LITR 5431 American Literature: Romanticism 2015 (scroll down); Web highlights from LITR 5439 Utopias 2015 (first of 2 essays by each name); Web highlights from LITR 5439 Utopias 2013; Web highlights from LITR 5431 American Literature: Romanticism 2013; Web highlights from LITR 5431 American Literature: Romanticism 2010 ; Web highlights from LITR 5731 American Immigrant Literature; Web highlights models from LITR 5731 Minority Literature Note on organization and grading: Some students fulfill assignment by going through 3 assignments individually, one at a time until finished, with few or no connections or relations observed between the separate models. Better submissions unify the three reviews into a whole, purposeful essay in which the learning experience of one review connects to the learning experience of another, and your entire learning experience is previewed and summarized in the essay's introduction and conclusion. Successful submissions sometimes start by identifying a subject or assignment of interest, then choosing Model Assignments that meet those interests. You might also review Model Assignments as sources or models for your research posts or final exam assignments. In Essay 2 below you are not required to cite previous midterms or other assignments, but if you find something helpful to your analysis, welcome to use.
Essay 2: Immigrant Narrative as American Multiculture. Describe and analyze the prominent terms, patterns, motives, stages, and values of the American Immigrant narrative (including "the American Dream") and that narrative's relations to other multicultural identities, including minorities, the USA's dominant culture, and "model minorities." (6-9 paragraphs)
Following items are possible prompts, not a checklist.
other possible terms or dialogues
Evaluation criteria for essays: Readability & surface competence, content quality, and unity / organization.
Readability & surface competence: Your reader must be able to process what
you're reporting. Given the pressures of a timed writing exercise, some rough
edges are acceptable, but chronic errors or elementary style can hurt.
Content quality:
Comprehension of subject, demonstration of learning, + interest & significance:
Make your reader *want*
to process your report. Make the information
meaningful; make it
to our study of literature and culture. Reproduce course materials,
especially through reference to terms, instructional pages, and objectives, but
also refresh with your own insights and experiences. Avoid: "You could have
written this without taking the course."
Unity and Organization:
Unify materials along a line of thought that a reader can follow from start to
finish. (Consider "path of learning": what you started with, what you
encountered, where you arrived.)
Evidence & extension of learning: All exams must competently use central terms and themes from objectives with text-examples from lecture-discussion or your own reading. Knowledge beyond the course and on-the-spot inventiveness are impressive, but establish mastery of our course’s essential materials. Beware being told, "You could have written this essay without taking the course." As for extension of learning, the best exams comprehend but also refresh the course’s terms, objectives, and texts with the student's voice, insights, and examples from and beyond our course.