American Literature: Romanticism
Student Midterm Samples 2013

midterm assignment

1. Long essay samples

Meryl Bazaman, Extending Individualism in American Romanticism

Joseph Bernard, Nature: Sunshine or Sadness?

Kristine Vermillion, "Why the General Dislike for American Literature?"

2. Short essay samples

2a. Highlight and analyze a passage from our course readings—your best textual experience (plus or minus class discussion) in comprehending course contents (terms, themes, objectives)

Joseph Bernard, Ascending to the Heavens

James Simpson, Jonathan Edwards and the Ecstasy of Horror

2b. Choose a previously-read literary text, American or otherwise, Romantic or otherwise; apply course terms & themes / objectives; comparisons-contrasts, connects-disconnects, learning outcomes.

Meryl Bazaman, Anthem’s Prometheus as Byronic Hero 

Carrie Hatfield, Faulkner’s “The Bear”—A Modernist Text Seen Through a Romantic Lens

Hannah Wells, A Foray into German Romanticism (Goethe's "The ErlKonig")

3. Web highlights samples

Meryl Bazaman, The Sublime, the Other-Worldly, and Gothic Colors

Carrie Hatfield, Three Ways Light & Dark

Matt Martin, Greatest Hits of 2010 Midterms

Kristine Vermillion, Nuggets of Insight to Keep in Mind as the Conversation Continues