LITR 5731 Seminar in Multicultural Literature:

American Immigrant: model assignments

2014  index to sample final exam submissions


Essay 1: Review, focus, and extend overall seminar experience to demonstrate learning and preview potential applications. (Samples below in alphabetical order)

Jonathon Anderson, Suffused with Light: The Immigrant Narrative and the Blurring of the American Dream

Marissa Holland, Do We Really Need the Analogy? Our Attempt to Simplify Our Complications

Lori Wheeler, Beyond My Own Experience

Essay 2: Choose a topic from list below, combine 2+ topics, or develop a topic of your own that refers to course texts and varies objectives.

( New World immigrants combine minority and immigrant narratives)

Marissa Carmack Holland, So Close, but Still So Far: New World Immigrants as Minorities

Heather Minette Schutmaat, The New World Immigrant Narrative: A Fusion of Immigrant and Minority Narratives

(Topic 2b. Dominant culture)

Jonathon Anderson, What Conquering Nations Do

(Topic 2f. formal excellence or representative inclusiveness?)

Carol Fountain, Formal Excellence v. Representative Inclusiveness

(2h. Combine one or more options or develop a question or topic of your own)

Lori Wheeler, Immigrant Literature: A Problem That Needs to Be Fixed?