(This webpage is the midterm assignment. It will be updated and refined up to 22 September.) Three parts to Midterm:
Format: email
Confer with instructor or Writing Center any time regarding any parts of your midterm: Office: Bayou 2529-7; Phone: 281 283 3380; Email: whitec@uhcl.edu Weight: 20-30% of final grade Component Lengths Web Highlights length: 5-8 paragraphs Essay length: Write one long essay or 2-3 briefer ones
Research Proposal Length: 2-3 paragraphs Special Requirements or guidelines:
Assignment: Review at least 3 submissions on the course webpage’s “Model Assignments” page and write 5-8 paragraphs (total) on what you found and learned. Purpose: To enhance peer-instruction and potential for seminar to build on earlier seminars' learning. Requirements & guidelines: At least one Model Assignment must be a midterm from the seminar's previous semesters. You may limit your review to midterms, but research projects, research proposals, final exams, and presentations are available from several semesters. Reviewing research projects may help your proposal. “Review”: quickly describe what interested or impressed you, where, why, and what you learned or admired, what the student achieved. You may criticize what you found, but not required. To identify assignments or passages to which you respond, copy and paste brief selections into your web review, or simply refer to them (author, title, semester?) with paraphrases, summaries, and brief quotations. (You'll see both options in models.) Either way, highlight and discuss language in passages as part of your review. Critique what you’re reviewing in terms of what you learn or where the model disappoints. Alternative: What did you learn from reviewing model assignments that you didn't learn from in-class discussion or instruction? Web highlights from LITR 5439 Utopias 2013; Web highlights from LITR 5431 American Literature: Romanticism 2013; Web highlights from LITR 5431 American Literature: Romanticism 2010 ; Web highlights from LITR 5731 American Immigrant Literature; Web highlights models from LITR 5731 Minority Literature Note on organization and grading: Some students fulfill assignment by going through 3 assignments individually, one at a time until finished, with few or no connections or relations observed between the separate models. Better submissions unify the three reviews into a whole, purposeful essay in which the learning experience of one review connects to the learning experience of another, and your entire learning experience is previewed and summarized in the essay's introduction and conclusion.
Organization: 1-3 Essay(s) on Objectives 1-3 Using the dialogue model by which the course is organized, write an essay describing your learning experience in the seminar and with its subject, readings, and objectives. Use terms and refer to themes or ideas in Course Objectives. How do you integrate the subjects and readings of this seminar to your previous studies of literature and culture? What advances, detours, or frustrations? Suggestions appear below, but I'll read what you send me. Course-specific expectations:
If you're stumped, ask yourself some questions and start building some answers. I'm not looking for this or that particular insight as much as how you respond honestly and constructively to our shared readings and discussions while keeping the objectives (terms and themes) in play. Cover as much course material as you can explain compellingly and readably (I’ll let you know if you don’t do enough), but you can’t cover everything and aren’t expected to. Much of your own contribution will be selecting, prioritizing, emphasizing, and connecting what matters to you and whatever set of identities you represent. Make it interesting and make it matter, first to yourself but also to your reader (both instructor and future students). Default Organizations: If you write one long essay instead of two or three short essays, you may start at any entry point that helps, but consider engaging one of the seminar's three major objectives and involve the other two as you proceed. Don't wait too long to connect to text-examples or dialogues between texts. If you write two or three shorter essays, you may organize them to focus on selected terms or themes from Objectives 1, 2, or 3, but students sometimes create their own divisions for organizing, which can be OK as long as you refer to terms and themes from required objectives. Possible Prompts: (These aren't an organization or check-list, only starters)
Exercise for self-starting: ask yourself what you've been thinking about relative to the course and its readings—and why. If parts of the texts or course interest or bother you, that's a sign they matter. What are they telling you, making you question? What can you know or learn about these issues, questions, or topics? Make notes, organize oppositions of values and styles and turn them into dialogues. Since our course's materials may be unfamiliar, your writing strategy might personalize your essay(s). Share your own literary background, interests, and ambitions, progressing to how this course may or may not match or extend them. A "path of learning" approach may sound mickey-mouse but can be humanizing and constructive. Required References (somewhere in your midterm, probably midterm essay—part 2)
Obviously you can't cover everything and shouldn't try. The lists above are offered as general expectations, but as long as you're delivering plenty of material, your reader may not pay attention to what you're leaving out.
Research Proposal due with midterm between 23 September-1 October (discuss with instructor any time) Research Proposal Length: 2-3 paragraphs. Essential contents: 1. Indicate choice between two options--either
2. Explain choice: extensions of previous interests or knowledge, learning possibilities, reasons for curiosity, applications. 2a. Impressive if you refer to previous Model Assignments that impressed you as models. 3. Indicate possible topics or contents of Research Posts or Project + reasons for interest, previous knowledge, possible texts, authors, themes, cultural or historical issues Notes: Your Research Proposal is provisional—as long as time permits, change your plan by communicating with instructor You have considerable freedom to develop your research according to your own needs or interests. However, most students entering this course have few preconceptions, topics, or ideas ready. If you start with a "research post," you could develop that post into a research project, either essay or journal. Simple advice for topics: Review syllabus for texts, parts of world, objectives (themes and terms) Review Model Assignments for previous projects and posts: research projects 2013; research projects 2011; research projects 2009; research posts 2009; research posts 2008; research projects 2001
No grade for your Research Proposal, though lack of effort or interest may be noted. With your midterm I'll return some brief feedback. I almost never say "no" to a plan or proposal, but I may have suggestions for development. If you choose Research Posts, the first is due 11 October, the second 15 November. If you choose a Research Project, it is due 15 November. Grade and response to Posts or Project may arrive with "Final Grade Report" following final exam.
Instructor's Reaction & continuing dialogue: A week or two after submission, you'll receive an email from the instructor including your grade report with a midterm grade and a note responding to your effort and accomplishment. Consider replying to instructor about your midterm note. Graduate students work with faculty somewhere between master-apprentice and colleagues. Discussing your graded work can be a starting point for learning to interact with faculty. If you don't communicate in this way, look for other opportunities before semester ends. Professors can be intimidating and unhip, but they're used to cooperating if you cultivate chances. We're just older versions of yourselves!