LITR 5731 Multicultural Literature
Syllabus Detail

Final Grade Report

Final grades are submitted to the registrar by standard procedures, but each student will also be emailed a tally of their grades that should be accurate but will be “unofficial” in that none of its information aside from the final grade will be recorded or supported by the university registrar. The message will appear thus:

LITR 5731 2009 Colonial & Postcolonial Literature


Contact information (email & US Mail addresses, phones, etc.)

Presentation(s) / participation grade: [usually close to other grades, can help or hurt borderline grades]

Midterm grade:

Research postings or project:

Final exam grade:

Course grade:



Response to research submission(s)


Response to 2nd research post + overall


Email reply to 1st research post



Final notes on exam and overall semester




Midterm notes

(previously received) 




Students will likely receive grades and comments on both their research and their finals simultaneously with this report.

Compared to midterm responses, instructor writes briefer comments. Students may request more detail or ask any questions via return email.