LITR 5734: Colonial & Postcolonial Literature
 Index to Student Research Posts 2008

Research posting assignment

Model research posts from LITR 5731 (Immigrant) summer 2006

Allison Coyle
1st posting: Cannibalism in Amazonia: Morality or Murder
2nd posting: Northern Ireland: The Truth Behind the Conflict

Karen Daniel
1st posting: Racism and Realism in Colonial and Postcolonial Literature
2nd posting: 
Exile and Gender Oppression in Lucy

Danielle Lynch
1st posting: 
The role of the “Subordinate” in African Society
2nd posting: HIV / AIDS and women in Africa

Corrie Manigold
1st posting: Post-Independence National Identity in India
2nd posting: Can the Christian Mission be Divorced from Imperialism?

C. Vanessa Olivier
1st posting: An Exploration of Postcolonial Music
2nd posting: 
Linking Colonialism to Genocide

Talli Ortiz
1st posting: New Orleans: The Past is Present
2nd posting: Displacement in Iraq

Cory Owen
1st posting: The Role of the Hijab
2nd posting: 
Qualification of the Postcolonial

corey porter!
1st posting: Acadia and Iraq: Colonialism Then and Now
2nd posting: On Second Chances . . .

Matt Richards
1st posting: What does Peace mean to Ireland?
2nd posting: 
Protestants vs. Catholics: The Truth behind the Conflict in Ireland

Brouke M. Rose-Carpenter
1st posting: “From Rags to Witches” – A Journey through the Lost-and-Found Traditions of the Celts
2nd posting: The Luck of the Irish? : Colonization Causes Immigration to the United States

Erica Shillings
1st posting: Does Colonialism Still Exist?
2nd posting: Can a Colonizer Adapt to a Colonized Environment?

Larry Stanley
1st posting: Conrad and Burroughs: Two of a Kind
2nd posting: Is Everybody Happy?

Tanya Stanley
1st posting: Have We Forgotten about the Persian Empire?
2nd posting: 
Derek Walcott:  More Than a Poet

Jim Steinhilber
1st posting: Home First?
2nd posting: Am I Really a Colonizer?

Cynthia Stone
1st posting: Women in Postcolonial Turmoil
2nd posting: America: Neo-Colonialism Nightmare

Dawlat Yassin
1st posting: Lebanon, A Lost Identity
2nd posting: Dr. Aziz Before and After The Marabar Caves Incident