Index to
Final Exam
submissions 2015

(2015 final exam assignment)

LITR 5831 World Literature



Essay 1: Describe and evaluate your learning experience, referring to texts, seminar, objectives, research, and midterm. (may incorporate or overlap with midterm essay[s])

Essay 2: Referring to Objectives 1 & 2, compose a dialogue between at least four texts (at least 3 since midterm) on a topic, theme, issue, or objective of your choice (Objectives in addition to 1 & 2 may be included.)

Joseph Bernard, Mining the depths

Caryn Livingston, A Whole New World of Literature

Ashlea Massie, An Informed Student, Teacher, and Citizen

Heather Minette Schutmaat, The Effectiveness of Reading Novels in Dialogue

Jan Smith, Still on Pilgrimage

Jeanette Smith, Dogmatism and Doubt: My Experience with Colonial/Post-Colonial Studies

Caryn Livingston, The Beginning is the End is the Beginning: Post-Colonial Millennialism

Heather Minette Schutmaat, The Theme of Tradition and Modernity in Colonial and Postcolonial Literature

Jan Smith, Lucy, Jasmine, Hukum, and George: Searching for Unity

Jeanette Smith, The Divided Vein: Identities in Colonial/Post-Colonial Literature