LITR 5731 Seminar in
Multicultural Literature: American Minority

Index to Student Research Projects

Fall 2012


assignment & options

Essays, Journals, & Conference Presentations

Research Posts

research essay

A. Ambrosius, A New Country for Old Women

Jean Cahn, Tracking the Initiation Stories of Antonio and Milkman

Marisela N. Caylor, “Who Am I?” Identity, Myth, and Tradition in Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon

Valerie Mead, The Power of Ultima, Presence of the Supernatural, and Syncretism of Religion in Bless Me, Ultima as it Relates to Choice and Destiny

Yolanda Wilson-Harris, African Americans and the Deferred Dream

research journal

Jason Kimbrell, Investigating Frederick Douglass: A Research Journal

Katie Lucas, The Transforming Indian and the Captivity Narrative

Toya T. Mares, The Rise of Conscientization: Literary Analysis Journal on Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon

Karina Ramos, Rabbits and Tricksters

creative writing text w/ learning commentary

Lisa Hacker, We Don’t Die But Once: Poetry inspired by the life of Harriett Jacobs and “Narrative of a Slave Girl”

Matt Martin, The Black Page

Kristina Nungaray, From the Minority Borderlands of Race, Gender, and Body Size: Selections from FAT GIRL, SKINNY GIRL

Meagan Anthony
1st post: Stigma of Being Gay in the Black Community
2nd post: Native Americans: Conservation and Identity

Trina Silva
1st post: Corridos: Passing and Learning Mexican-American History through Song
2nd post: 
The Evolution of Corridos and the Preservation of the Corridista Tradition

Ryan Smith
1st post: The State of Native American Religion, Post I: Theft of Sky, Theft of Ground
2nd post: 
The State of Native American Religion, Post II: New Direction, New Perspective