LITR 3731 Creative Writing 2009

Student Midterms: Poems & Revision Accounts

+ Essays on Lyric Poetry




Poem Title(s) + Revision Account

Essays on Lyric Poetry

Paul Acevedo

"The Censor Ship"

The Flip-side of Poetry Study

Marcus Austin

"Body Language"

Flour, Cheese, and Tomatoes—Mostly


Jackie Baker

"Life of the Woman in the Tin Box"

"Salty Tears, Woof barks the Dog,
Blooming Flower"

Peter Becnel

"Self-Righteous Society"

"Some Words"

Niki Bippen

"An Autumn Memorial"

"Growing as a Poet"

Alicia Costello

"The Doorway"

"My Blood Consists of 99% Lyric Poetry"

Jeff Derrickson

"Dreams au Lait"

The Peril of Breaking Unknown Rules


Naomi Gonzales

"The Struggle"

"Lyric Poetry"

Jennifer M. Leonard


"Knowledge Opens Doors"

Tara McGee

"Old #7"

"Growing as a Poet"

Veronica Nadalin

"A Question"

"Can You Hear It?"

Amanda Pruett


"A Work in Progress"

Karina Ramos

"The Best is Yet to Come"

"Lyrics are Poetry"

Hillary Roth

"I am her Father"

"Lyric Essay"

Faron Samford


"Experience with Lyric Poetry"

Ryan Smith

"To Eat And To Drink And To Be Merry"


J J Torres

"Bell Street Lightning"

"Learning the Trade"

Natalie Walker

"Who Knew?"

"Creating Lyric Poetry"

Christi Wood

"Awaiting the Stranger"

"My Understanding of Lyric Poetry"

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