LITR 5731 Seminar in Multicultural Literature:

American Immigrant: model assignments

2010  index to midterm submissions


Denielle Alexander, American Immigrant Narratives and the Effects it imposes on other Immigrants and the Dominant Culture & Minorities in America: Is it more challenging than being an Immigrant?

Bridget Brantley, Success and Disappointment in the Immigrant Narrative & The Minority Narrative in a Dominant Society

Mary Brooks, American Immigrant Narrative: Fact or Fiction? & Minority and Immigrant Narratives: Purgatory or Paradise?

Charles Colson, Strangers in a Strange Land & Land of Broken Promises

Daryl Edwards, The Unique Message of American Assimilation & We and Them: How the Immigrant Narrative Differs From The Minority Narrative

Julie Garza, The American Immigrant Narrative: The Absence and Presence of the Mother Figure in the Asian Immigrant Narrative & Assimilation and Resistance in Minority and Immigrant Narratives: The American Dream versus the American Nightmare

Chrissie Johnston, A Cinderella Story: The Quest for a Happy Ending in the Immigrant Narrative & The Immigrant and The Minority

Ellen Kirby, Immigrant Narratives: Writing the Tension Between American Dream and American Reality & What Is Sacrificed and What Is Stolen: Immigrant and Minority Narratives

Nate (Nathanael Lee), The Life and Times of the American Immigrant & The Way Minorities Interact with Dominant Culture

Samuel Mathis, Evolving Tales: The Changing Narratives of American Immigrants & The Partial Assimilation: Minority and Immigrant Difference of Participation with the Dominant Culture

Christine Moon, Gaining the Hybrid Identity in the Multicultural America & The Overlapping Images of the Immigrant and Minority Narratives

Pamela Richey, The Traditional versus Modern Immigrant Narrative: Which Should We Believe? & Assimilation or Survival

Elizabeth Scoggin, Describing and Analyzing the American Immigrant Narrative & Comparing Minority Literature to Immigrant Literature

Amy Sidle, Immigrant Narratives: A Powerful Tale of New Beginnings & Minority vs. Immigrant Narratives: Differing Approaches to Similar Situations

Betty Vasquez, Voices of Compassion & Immigrant vs. Minority: Similarities through Differences or Differences through Similarities?

Katie Vitek, Thematic Reflections of a Stark Reality & The Pursuit of Identity: Immigrants, Minorities, and America

Eric Wilson, The Complexity of the American Dream as Exemplified in American Immigrant Literature & The American Immigrant and Minority Narratives: Inextricably Linked, Yet in Constant Tension