Midterm2 Samples 2015

(midterm2 assignment)

Index to Model Answers to Part 3.
Begin Research Report

Part 3. Begin Research Report: Write at least 3-4 substantial paragraphs with two sources toward completion of your Research Report on selected special topic (to be completed on Final Exam)

Authors & titles:

Eric Anderson, Spectacle and the Sublime: Respecting and Challenging Convention

Stephanie Ali, Reviewing the Spectacle and Sublime

Alejandra Ayala, A More Effective Way To Teach Tragedy to High School Students

Kaitlin Jaschek, Teaching Tragedy

Zach Mayfield, A Grand Performance: Why Spectacle is Essential in Theatre Arts

Michael McDonald, Tragedy's Fatal Flaw

Nona Olivarez, Family Problems: We All Have Them

Victoria Webb, Rise of the Spectacle and Sublime in Tragedy