Midterm1 (2013
midterm1 assignment)
Index to Sample Student Midterm
Answers 2013
Long Essays |
LITR 4333
American Immigrant Literature
Carrie Block, "An American Tale"
Cesar Cano, "Crossroads"
Tracie Estrada, "Resilience: It's
What Defines Us"
Adam Glasgow, "Immigrant
and Minority Literature: What's the Difference and Why Does it Matter?"
Dorothy Noyes, "Resistance Versus
Persistence: How Does Immigrant Literature Differ?"
Jo Ann Pereira, "In Search of the American Dream"
Anthony Randall, "The Dominant Culture"
Cassandra Rea, "Crossing the Invisible Boundary Between
Immigrant and Minority Literature"
Stephen Rodwell, "It's Not the Destination that
Marissa Turner, "Seeing the Differences"