(2018 midterm assignment)

Index to Sample Student Midterm Answers 2018

#2: Short Essays

LITR 4328
American Renaissance


#2a: Short Essay: Favorite Passage

Kyle W. Abshire, The spiritual electrifies the physical body

Brandon Burrow, The Progressive Romanticism of Walt Whitman’s “I Sing the Body Electric”

Cynthia Cleveland, Whitman’s Sacred Body

Tim Doherty, I Feel Dickinson in My Brain

Alexis Gomez, Favorite Term: Correspondence

Kristina Koontz, Dull Realities: Is Science Really Killing Imagination?

Anne Ngo, A Dedication to the Past: An Examination of Poe’s “Sonnet— To Science”

Annie Tran, Escape into Nature

Natalie Womble, Leaving no Moment Untouched: An Analysis of Scientific Reach in Poe’s Poetry

#2b: Short Essay: Favorite Term

Ruth Brown, Universally Sublime

Jasmine Choate, Correspondence: A Heart as Dark as A Room with No Windows 

Curtis Crunk, A Short Look at the Sublime

Billy Ea, The Subliminal Messages of The Sublime