midterm assignment)
Index to Sample Student Midterm Answers
#2: Short Essays |
LITR 4328
American Renaissance
#2a: Short Essay: Favorite
Kyle W. Abshire,
The spiritual electrifies the physical body
Brandon Burrow, The Progressive
Romanticism of Walt Whitman’s “I Sing the Body Electric”
Cynthia Cleveland,
Whitman’s Sacred Body
Tim Doherty, I Feel Dickinson in
My Brain
Alexis Gomez, Favorite Term:
Kristina Koontz, Dull Realities:
Is Science Really Killing
Anne Ngo, A Dedication to the Past:
An Examination of Poe’s “Sonnet— To Science”
Annie Tran, Escape into Nature
Natalie Womble,
no Moment Untouched: An Analysis of Scientific Reach in Poe’s Poetry
#2b: Short Essay: Favorite
Ruth Brown,
Universally Sublime
Jasmine Choate, Correspondence: A
Heart as Dark as A Room with No Windows
Curtis Crunk,
A Short Look at the Sublime
Billy Ea,
The Subliminal Messages of The Sublime