1. Dickinson's poetry may seem to operate in some timeless
realm, but how may it reflect its time-period of late
bordering on early
2. What characteristics of style
indicate this is a
poem by Emily Dickinson? How does a reader manage her free use of
3. Compare this poem's form as "free
verse" or "formal verse"
with poems by Poe and Whitman (and other poems by Dickinson).
4. What is an extended
metaphor? What is the
extended metaphor in this poem? What are the attractions or
aesthetics of extended metaphor?
4a. What are the historic limits of
metaphor? For
instance, in the poem below, "a Soul" is represented by
reference to a forge, i.e. a contained fire for heating and shaping metals. (See
images at side and below.)
4b. The referent of forges is now outside most people's
practical knowledge or experience, but how may the
metaphor still apply to
the concept of "a Soul?"