Margaret Fuller, The Great Lawsuit. Man versus Men. Woman versus Women. The Dial, IV, July 1843 [1]
. . [A]s the principle of liberty is
better understood and more nobly interpreted, a broader protest is made in
behalf of woman. As men become aware that all men have not had their fair
chance, they are inclined to say that no women have had a fair chance. The
French revolution, that strangely disguised angel, bore witness in favor of
woman, but interpreted her claims no less ignorantly than those of man. Its idea
of happiness did not rise beyond outward enjoyment, unobstructed by the tyranny
of others. The title it
[the French Revolution]
gave was Citoyen
[male citizen],
[female citizen],
and it is not unimportant to woman that even this species of equality was
awarded her. Before, she could be condemned to perish on the scaffold for
treason, but not as a citizen, but a subject. The right, with which this title
then invested a human being, was that of bloodshed and license. The Goddess of
Liberty was impure. Yet truth was prophesied in the ravings of that hideous
fever induced by long ignorance and abuse. [2] Yet, in this country, as by the Jews, when Moses was leading them to the promised land, everything has been done that inherited depravity could, to hinder the promise of heaven from its fulfilment. The cross, here as elsewhere, has been planted only to be blasphemed by cruelty and fraud. The name of the Prince of Peace has been profaned by all kinds of injustice towards the Gentile whom he said he came to save. But I need not speak of what has been done towards the red man, the black man. These deeds are the scoff of the world; and they have been accompanied by such pious words, that the gentlest would not dare to intercede with, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." [3] Here, as elsewhere, the gain of creation consists always in the growth of individual minds, which live and aspire, as flowers bloom and birds sing, in the midst of morasses; and in the continual development of that thought, the thought of human destiny, which is given to eternity to fulfil, and which ages of failure only seemingly impede. Only seemingly, and whatever seems to the contrary, this country is as surely destined to elucidate a great moral law, as Europe was to promote the mental culture of man. [4] Though the national independence be blurred by the servility of individuals; though freedom and equality have been proclaimed only to leave room for a monstrous display of slave dealing and slave keeping; though the free American so often feels himself free, like the Roman, only to pamper his appetites and his indolence through the misery of his fellow beings, still it is not in vain, that the verbal statement has been made, "All men are born free and equal." There it stands, a golden certainty, wherewith to encourage the good, to shame the bad. The new world may be called clearly to perceive that it incurs the utmost penalty, if it rejects the sorrowful brother. And if men are deaf, the angels hear. But men cannot be deaf. It is inevitable that an external freedom, such as has been achieved for the nation, should be so also for every member of it. That, which has once been clearly conceived in the intelligence, must be acted out. It has become a law, irrevocable . . . . [Declaration of Independence & Its Echoes]
[5] Of all its banners, none has been more
steadily upheld, and under none has more valor and willingness for real
sacrifices been shown, than that of the
champions of the
enslaved African. And this band it is, which, partly in consequence of a natural
following out of principles, partly because many women have been prominent in
that cause, makes, just now, the warmest appeal in behalf of woman! [6] Though there has been a growing liberality on this point, yet society at large is not so prepared for the demands of this party, but that they are, and will be for some time, coldly regarded as the Jacobins of their day. [Jacobins = radicals of the French Revolution] [Instructor's note: in paragraphs 7-14 below, Fuller varies essay format with fictional dialogue & scene—what effects?]
[7] "Is it not enough," cries the
sorrowful trader
[businessman], "that you
have done all you could to break up the national Union, and thus destroy the
prosperity of our country, but now you must be trying to break up
family union,
to take my wife away from the cradle, and the kitchen hearth, to vote at polls,
and preach from a pulpit! Of course, if she does such things, she cannot attend
to those of her own sphere. She is happy enough as she is. She has more leisure
than I have, every means of improvement, every indulgence.
[8] "Have you asked her
whether she was satisfied with these indulgences!" [9] "No, but I know she is. She is too amiable to wish what would make me unhappy, and too judicious to wish to step beyond the sphere of her sex. I will never consent to have our peace disturbed by any such discussions.” [10] "'Consent'—you! it is not consent from you that is in question, it is assent from your wife."
[11] "Am I not the head of
my house!"
[12] "You are not the head
of your wife. God has given her a mind of her own."
[13] "I am the head and she
the heart." [14] "God grant you play true to one another then. If the head represses no natural pulse of the heart, there can be no question as to your giving your consent. Both will be of one accord, and there needs but to present any question to get a full and true answer. There is no need of precaution, of indulgence, or consent. But our doubt is whether the heart consents with the head, or only acquiesces [goes along, complies] in its decree; and it is to ascertain the truth on this point, that we propose some liberating measures." [Instructor's note: paragraph 15 segues from dialogue back to essay format.] [15] Thus vaguely are these questions proposed and discussed at present. But their being proposed at all implies much thought, and suggests more. Many women are considering within themselves what they need that they have not, and what they can have, if they find they need it. Many men are considering whether women are capable of being and having more than they are and have, and whether, if they are, it will be best to consent to improvement in their condition. [16] The numerous party, whose opinions are already labeled and adjusted too much to their mind to admit of any new light, strive, by lectures on some model-woman of bridal-like beauty and gentleness, by writing or lending little treatises, to mark out with due precision the limits of woman's sphere, and woman's mission, and to prevent other than the rightful shepherd from climbing the wall, or the flock from using any chance gap to run astray. [17] Without enrolling ourselves at once on either side, let us look upon the subject from that point of view which to-day offers. No better, it is to be feared, than a high house-top. A high hill-top, or at least a cathedral spire, would be desirable.
[18] It is not surprising
that it should be the Anti-Slavery party that pleads for woman, when we consider
merely that she does not hold property on equal terms with men; so that, if a
husband dies without a will, the wife, instead of stepping at once into his
place as head of the family, inherits only a part of his fortune, as if she were
a child, or ward only, not an equal partner. [19] We will not speak of the innumerable instances, in which profligate or idle men live upon the earnings of industrious wives; or if the wives leave them and take with them the children, to perform the double duty of mother and father, follow from place to place, and threaten to rob them of the children, if deprived of the rights of a husband, as they call them, planting themselves in their poor lodgings, frightening them into paying tribute by taking from them the children, running into debt at the expense of these otherwise so overtasked helots [slaves]. Though such instances abound, the public opinion of his own sex is against the man, and when cases of extreme tyranny are made known, there is private action in the wife's favor. But if woman be, indeed, the weaker party, she ought to have legal protection, which would make such oppression impossible. [20] And knowing that there exists, in the world of men, a tone of feeling towards women as towards slaves, such as is expressed in the common phrase, "Tell that to women and children;" that the infinite soul can only work through them in already ascertained limits; that the prerogative of reason, man's highest portion, is allotted to them in a much lower degree; that it is better for them to be engaged in active labor, which is to be furnished and directed by those better able to think, &c. &c.; we need not go further, for who can review the experience of last week, without recalling words which imply, whether in jest or earnest, these views, and views like these! Knowing this, can we wonder that many reformers think that measures are not likely to be taken in behalf of women, unless their wishes could be publicly represented by women! [21] That can never be necessary, cry the other side. All men are privately influenced by women; each has his wife, sister, or female friends, and is too much biased by these relations to fail of representing their interests. And if this is not enough, let them propose and enforce their wishes with the pen. The beauty of home would be destroyed, the delicacy of the sex be violated, the dignity of halls of legislation destroyed, by an attempt to introduce them there. Such duties are inconsistent with those of a mother; and then we have ludicrous pictures of ladies in hysterics at the polls, and senate chambers filled with cradles. [22] But if, in reply, we admit as truth that woman seems destined by nature rather to the inner circle, we must add that the arrangements of civilized life have not been as yet such as to secure it to her. Her circle, if the duller, is not the quieter. If kept from excitement, she is not from drudgery. Not only the Indian carries the burdens of the camp, but the favorites of Louis the Fourteenth accompany him in his journeys, and the washerwoman stands at her tub and carries home her work at all seasons, and in all states of health. [23] As to the use of the pen, there was quite as much opposition to woman's possessing herself of that help to free-agency as there is now to her seizing on the rostrum or the desk; and she is likely to draw, from a permission to plead her cause that way, opposite inferences to what might be wished by those who now grant it.
[24] As to the possibility
of her filling, with grace and dignity, any such position, we should think those
who had seen the great actresses, and heard the
Quaker preachers of modern
times, would not doubt, that woman can express publicly the fulness of thought
and emotion, without losing any of the peculiar beauty of her sex.
[25] As to her home, she is not likely to
leave it more than she now does for balls, theatres, meetings for promoting
missions, revival meetings, and others to which she flies, in hope of an
animation for her existence, commensurate with what she sees enjoyed by men.
Governors of Ladies' Fairs are no less engrossed by such a charge, than the
Governor of the State by his; presidents of Washingtonian societies, no less
away from home than presidents of conventions. If men look straitly
to it, they will find that, unless their own lives are
domestic, those of the women will not be. The female Greek, of our day, is as
much in the street as the male, to cry, What news! We doubt not it was the same
[26] And, as to men's representing women
fairly, at present, while we hear from men who owe to their wives not only all
that is comfortable and graceful, but all that is wise in the arrangement of
their lives, the frequent remark, "You cannot reason with a woman," when from
those of delicacy, nobleness, and poetic culture, the contemptuous phrase,
"Women and children,” and that in no light sally of the hour, but in works
intended to give a permanent statement of the best experiences,
when not one man in the million, shall I say, no,
not in the hundred million, can rise above the view that woman was made for man,
when such traits as these are daily forced upon the attention, can we feel that
man will always do justice to the interests of woman! Can we think that he takes
a sufficiently discerning and religious view of her office and destiny, ever to
do her justice, except when prompted by sentiment; accidentally or transiently,
that is, for his sentiment will vary according to the relations in which he is
placed. The lover, the poet, the artist, are likely to view her nobly. The
father and the philosopher have some chance of liberality; the man of the world,
the legislator for expediency, none.
[27] Under these circumstances, without attaching importance in themselves to the changes demanded by the champions of woman, we hail them as signs of the times. We would have every arbitrary barrier thrown down. We would have every path laid open to woman as freely as to man. [Romantic / Transcendentalist] Were this done, and a slight temporary fermentation allowed to subside, we believe that the Divine would ascend into nature to a height unknown in the history of past ages, and nature, thus instructed, would regulate the spheres not only so as to avoid collision, but to bring forth ravishing harmony. [sublime] [28] Yet then, and only then, will human beings be ripe for this, when inward and outward freedom for woman, as much as for man, shall be acknowledged as a right, not yielded as a concession. As the friend of the negro assumes that one man cannot, by right, hold another in bondage, should the friend of woman assume that man cannot, by right, lay even well-meant restrictions on woman. If the negro be a soul, if the woman be a soul, appareled [dressed] in flesh, to one master only are they accountable. There is but one law for all souls, and, if there is to be an interpreter of it, he comes not as man, or son of man, but as Son of God. [29] Were thought and feeling once so far elevated that man should esteem himself the brother and friend, but nowise the lord and tutor of woman, were he really bound with her in equal worship, arrangements as to function and employment would be of no consequence. What woman needs is not as a woman to act or rule, but as a nature to grow, as an intellect to discern, as a soul to live freely, and unimpeded to unfold such powers as were given her when we left our common home. If fewer talents were given her, yet, if allowed the free and full employment of these, so that she may render back to the giver his own with usury, she will not complain, nay, I dare to say she will bless and rejoice in her earthly birth-place, her earthly lot. [30] Let us consider what obstructions impede this good era, and what signs give reason to hope that it draws near. [Instructor's note: The following sketch is semi-autobiographical. Fuller’s father, an erudite lawyer, U.S. Representative, and Unitarian, educated Margaret in classics and languages as intensely as if she were a son. The experience was psychologically stressful but transferred traditionally masculine knowledge and skills.] [31] I was talking on this subject with Miranda, a woman, who, if any in the world, might speak without heat or bitterness of the position of her sex. Her father was a man who cherished no sentimental reverence for woman, but a firm belief in the equality of the sexes. She was his eldest child, and came to him at an age when he needed a companion. From the time she could speak and go alone, he addressed her not as a plaything, but as a living mind. Among the few verses he ever wrote were a copy addressed to this child, when the first locks were cut from her head, and the reverence expressed on this occasion for that cherished head he never belied. It was to him the temple of immortal intellect. He respected his child, however, too much to be an indulgent parent. He called on her for clear judgment, for courage, for honor and fidelity, in short for such virtues as he knew. In so far as he possessed the keys to the wonders of this universe, he allowed free use of them to her, and by the incentive of a high expectation he forbade, as far as possible, that she should let the privilege lie idle. [32] Thus this child was early led to feel herself a child of the spirit. She took her place easily, not only in the world of organized being, but in the world of mind. A dignified sense of self-dependence was given as all her portion, and she found it a sure anchor. Herself securely anchored, her relations with others were established with equal security. She was fortunate, in a total absence of those charms which might have drawn to her bewildering flatteries, and of a strong electric nature, which repelled those who did not belong to her, and attracted those who did. With men and women her relations were noble; affectionate without passion, intellectual without coldness. The world was free to her, and she lived freely in it. Outward adversity came, and inward conflict, but that faith and self-respect had early been awakened, which must always lead at last to an outward serenity, and an inward peace. [33] Of Miranda I had always thought as an example, that the restraints upon the sex were insuperable [insurmountable] only to those who think them so, or who noisily strive to break them. She had taken a course of her own, and no man stood in her way. Many of her acts had been unusual, but excited no uproar. Few helped, but none checked her; and the many men, who knew her mind and her life, showed to her confidence as to a brother, gentleness as to a sister. And not only refined, but very coarse men approved one in whom they saw resolution and clearness of design. Her mind was often the leading one, always effective.
When I talked with her upon these
matters, and had said very much what I have written, she smilingly replied, And
yet we must admit that I have been fortunate, and this should not be.
My good father's early trust gave the first bias,
and the rest followed of course. It is true that I have had less outward aid, in
after years, than most women, but that is of little consequence. Religion was
early awakened in my soul, a sense that what the soul is capable to ask it must
attain, and that, though I might be aided by others, I must depend on myself as
the only constant friend. This self-dependence, which was honored in me, is
deprecated as a fault in most women. They are taught to learn their rule from
without, not to unfold it from within. [35] This is the fault of man, who is still vain, and wishes to be more important to woman than by right he should be. [36] Men have not shown this disposition towards you, I said. [37] No, because the position I early was enabled to take, was one of self-reliance. And were all women as sure of their wants as I was, the result would be the same. The difficulty is to get them [women] to the point where they shall naturally develop self-respect, the question how it is to be done. [38] Once I thought that men would help on this state of things more than I do now. I saw so many of them wretched in the connections they had formed in weakness and vanity. They seemed so glad to esteem women whenever they could! [39] But early I perceived that men never, in any extreme of despair, wished to be women. Where they admired any woman they were inclined to speak of her as above her sex. Silently I observed this, and feared it argued a rooted skepticism, which for ages had been fastening on the heart, and which only an age of miracles could eradicate. Ever I have been treated with great sincerity; and I look upon it as a most signal instance of this, that an intimate friend of the other sex said in a fervent moment, that I deserved in some star to be a man. Another used as highest praise, in speaking of a character in literature, the words "a manly woman." . . .
[40] The sexes should not only
correspond to
and appreciate one another, but prophesy to one another. In individual
instances this happens. Two persons love in one another the future good which
they aid one another to unfold. This is very imperfectly done as yet in the
general life. Man has gone but little way, now he is
waiting to see
whether woman can keep step with him, but instead of calling out like a good
brother; You can do it if you only think so, or impersonally; Any one can do
what he tries to do, he often discourages with school-boy brag; Girls can't do
that, girls can't play ball. But let any one defy their taunts, break through,
and be brave and secure, they rend the air with shouts.
[41] No! man is not
willingly ungenerous. He wants faith and love, because he is not yet himself an
elevated being. He cries with sneering skepticism; Give us a sign. But if the
sign appears, his eyes glisten, and he offers not merely approval, but homage.
[42] The severe nation
[the Jews]
which taught that the happiness of the race was forfeited
through the fault of a woman
[Eve] . . .
even they greeted, with solemn rapture, all great and holy women as heroines,
prophetesses, nay judges in Israel; and, if they made Eve listen to the serpent,
gave Mary to the Holy Spirit. In other nations it has been the same down to our
day. . . . In any age a Semiramis
[legendary Middle Eastern queen],
an [43] How has a little wit, a little genius, always been celebrated in a woman! What an intellectual triumph was that of the lonely Aspasia [spouse of Greek leader Pericles], and how heartily acknowledged! She, indeed, met a Pericles. . . . [44] But how to get this platform, or how to make it of reasonably easy access is the difficulty. Plants of great vigor will almost always struggle into blossom, despite impediments. But there should be encouragement, and a free, genial atmosphere for those of more timid sort, fair play for each in its own kind. Some are like the little, delicate flowers, which love to hide in the dripping mosses by the sides of mountain torrents, or in the shade of tall trees. But others require an open field, a rich and loosened soil, or they never show their proper hues. [45] It may be said man does not have his fair play either; his energies are repressed and distorted by the interposition of artificial obstacles. Aye, but he himself has put them there; they have grown out of his own imperfections. If there is a misfortune in woman's lot, it is in obstacles being interposed by men, which do not mark her state, and if they express her past ignorance, do not her present needs. . . .
[46] Where the thought of
equality has become pervasive, it shows itself in four kinds. [47] The household partnership. In our country the woman looks for a "smart but kind" husband, the man for a "capable, sweet-tempered" wife. [48] The man furnishes the house, the woman regulates it. Their relation is one of mutual esteem, mutual dependence. Their talk is of business, their affection shows itself by practical kindness. They know that life goes more smoothly and cheerfully to each for the other's aid; they are grateful and content. The wife praises her husband as a "good provider," the return compliments her as a "capital housekeeper." This relation is good as far as it goes. [49] Next comes a closer tie which takes the two forms, either of intellectual companionship, or mutual idolatry. The last, we suppose, is to no one a pleasing subject of contemplation. The parties weaken and narrow one another; they lock the gate against all the glories of the universe that they may live in a cell together. To themselves they seem the only wise, to all others steeped in infatuation, the gods smile as they look forward to the crisis of cure, to men the woman seems an unlovely syren, to women the man an effeminate boy. [50] The other form, of intellectual companionship, has become more and more frequent. Men engaged in public life, literary men, and artists have often found in their wives companions and confidants in thought no less than in feeling. And, as in the course of things the intellectual development of woman has spread wider and risen higher [Transcendentalist form: extension and ascension], they have, not unfrequently, shared the same employment. . . . [51] Mary Wollstonecraft [1759-97, author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman and mother of Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein], like Madame Dudevant (commonly known as George Sand [1804-76, unconventional French novelist] in our day, was a woman whose existence better proved the need of some new interpretation of woman's rights, than anything she wrote. Such women as these, rich in genius, of most tender sympathies, and capable of high virtue and a chastened harmony, ought not to find themselves by birth in a place so narrow, that in breaking bonds they become outlaws. Were there as much room in the world for such, . . . they would not run their heads so wildly against its laws. They find their way at last to purer air, but the world will not take off the brand it has set upon them. The champion of the rights of woman found in Godwin [William Godwin, 1756-1836, author and husband to Wollstonecraft], one who pleads her own cause like a brother. George Sand smokes, wears male attire, wishes to be addressed as Mon frère [my brother; comrade]; perhaps, if she found those who were as brothers indeed, she would not care whether she were brother or sister. [52] We rejoice to see that she, who expresses such a painful contempt for men in most of her works, as shows she must have known great wrong from them, . . . depicting one raised, by the workings of love, from the depths of savage sensualism to a moral and intellectual life. . . . [53] Women like Sand will speak now, and cannot be silenced; their characters and their eloquence alike foretell an era when such as they shall easier learn to lead true lives. . . . [54] We might mention instances, nearer home, of minds, partners in work and in life, sharing together, on equal terms, public and private interests . . . . Men and women have been obliged to build their house from the very foundation. If they found stone ready in the quarry, they took it peaceably, otherwise they alarmed the country by pulling down old towers to get materials. [55] These are all instances of marriage as intellectual companionship. The parties meet mind to mind, and a mutual trust is excited which can buckler [support, defend] them against a million. They work together for a common purpose, and, in all these instances, with the same implement, the pen.
[56] A pleasing expression in this kind is afforded by the union in
the names of the Howitts. William and Mary Howitt we heard named together for
years, supposing them to be brother and sister; the equality of labors and
reputation, even so, was auspicious, more so, now we find them man and wife. In
his late work on [57] In naming these instances we do not mean to imply that community of employment is an essential to union of this sort, more than to the union of friendship. Harmony exists no less in difference than in likeness, if only the same key-note govern both parts. Woman the poem, man the poet; woman the heart, man the head; such divisions are only important when they are never to be transcended. If nature is never bound down, nor the voice of inspiration stifled, that is enough. We are pleased that women should write and speak, if they feel the need of it, from having something to tell; but silence for a hundred years would be as well, if that silence be from divine command, and not from man's tradition. . . . [58] I have not spoken of the higher grade of marriage union, the religious, which may be expressed as pilgrimage towards a common shrine [cf. romance narrative of quest, journey]. This includes the others; home sympathies, and household wisdom, for these pilgrims must know how to assist one another to carry their burdens along the dusty way; intellectual communion, for how sad it would be on such a journey to have a companion to whom you could not communicate thoughts and aspirations, as they sprang to life, who would have no feeling for the more and more glorious prospects that open as we advance, who would never see the flowers that may be gathered by the most industrious traveler. It must include all these. . . . [59] An observer adds this testimony. [60] We may in many marriages regard it as the best arrangement, if the man has so much advantage over his wife that she can, without much thought of her own, be, by him, led and directed, as by a father. But it was not so with the Count and his consort. She was not made to be a copy; she was an original; and, while she loved and honored him, she thought for herself on all subjects with so much intelligence, that he could and did look on her as a sister and friend also. [61] Such a woman is the sister and friend of all beings, as the worthy man is their brother and helper. [62] Another sign of the time is furnished by the triumphs of female authorship. These have been great and constantly increasing. They have taken possession of so many provinces for which men had pronounced them unfit, that though these still declare there are some inaccessible to them, it is difficult to say just where they must stop. [63] The shining names of famous women have cast light upon the path of the sex, and many obstructions have been removed. . . .
[64] This influence has been such that the aim certainly is, how, in arranging school instruction for girls, to give them as fair a field as boys. These arrangements are made as yet with little judgment or intelligence, just as the tutors of Jane Grey [1536-1554, briefly Queen of England] and the other famous women of her time, taught them Latin and Greek, because they knew nothing else themselves, so now the improvement in the education of girls is made by giving them gentlemen as teachers, who only teach what has been caught themselves at college, while methods and topics need revision for those new cases, which could better be made by those who had experienced the same wants. Women are often at the head of these institutions, but they have as yet seldom been thinking women, capable to organize a new whole for the wants of the time, and choose persons to officiate in the departments. And when some portion of education is got of a good sort from the school, the tone of society, the much larger proportion received from the world, contradicts its purport. Yet books have not been furnished, and a little elementary instruction been given in vain. Women are better aware how large and rich the universe is, not so easily blinded by the narrowness and partial views of a home circle. [65] Whether much or little has or will be done, whether women will add to the talent of narration, the power of systematizing, whether they will carve marble as well as draw, is not important. But that it should be acknowledged that they have intellect which needs developing, that they should not be considered complete, if beings of affection and habit alone, is important. [66] Yet even this acknowledgment, rather obtained by woman than proffered by man, has been sullied by the usual selfishness. So much is said of women being better educated that they may be better companions and mothers of men! [common 19c argument for women’s education] They should be fit for such companionship, and we have mentioned with satisfaction instances where it has been established. Earth knows no fairer, holier relation than that of a mother. But a being of infinite scope must not be treated with an exclusive view to any one relation. [<Transcendentalism>] Give the soul free course, let the organization be freely developed, and the being will be fit for any and every relation to which it may be called. The intellect, no more than the sense of hearing, is to be cultivated, that she may be a more valuable companion to man, but because the Power who gave a power by its mere existence signifies that it must be brought out towards perfection. [67] In this regard, of self-dependence and a greater simplicity and fulness of being, we must hail as a preliminary the increase of the class contemptuously designated as old maids. [unmarried women] [68] We cannot wonder at the aversion with which old bachelors and old maids have been regarded. Marriage is the natural means of forming a sphere, of taking root on the earth: it requires more strength to do this without such an opening, very many have failed of this, and their imperfections have been in every one's way. They have been more partial, more harsh, more officious and impertinent than others. Those, who have a complete experience of the human instincts, have a distrust as to whether they can be thoroughly human and humane, such as is hinted at in the saying, "Old maids' and bachelors' children are well cared for," which derides at once their ignorance and their presumption. [69] Yet the business of society has become so complex, that it could now scarcely be carried on without the presence of these despised auxiliaries, and detachments from the army of aunts and uncles are wanted to stop gaps in every hedge. . . . [interesting argument for non-reproductive identity] [70] They thus gain a wider, if not so deep, experience. They are not so intimate with others, but thrown more upon themselves, and if they do not there find peace and incessant life, there is none to flatter them that they are not very poor and very mean. [71] A position, which so constantly admonishes, may be of inestimable benefit. The person may gain, undistracted by other relationships, a closer communion with the One. Such a use is made of it by saints and sibyls [prophetesses]. Or she may be one of the lay sisters of charity, or more humbly only the useful drudge of all men, or the intellectual interpreter of the varied life she sees. [72] Or she may combine all these. Not "needing to care that she may please a husband," a frail and limited being, all her thoughts may turn to the centre, and by steadfast contemplation enter into the secret of truth and love, use it for the use of all men, instead of a chosen few, and interpret through it all the forms of life. [73] Saints and geniuses have often chosen a lonely position, in the faith that, if undisturbed by the pressure of near ties they could give themselves up to the inspiring spirit, it would enable them to understand and reproduce life better than actual experience could. [74] How many old maids take this high stand, we cannot say; it is an unhappy fact that too many of those who come before the eye are gossips rather, and not always good-natured gossips. But, if these abuse, and none make the best of their vocation, yet, it has nor failed to produce some good fruit. . . . [75] Even among the North American Indians, a race of men as completely engaged in mere instinctive life as almost any in the world, and where each chief, keeping many wives as useful servants, of course looks with no kind eye on celibacy in woman, it [female celibacy] was excused in the following instance mentioned by Mrs. Jameson [the “White Woman of the Genesee” Indians]. A woman dreamt in youth that she was betrothed to the sun. She built her a wigwam apart, filled it with emblems of her alliance and means of an independent life. There she passed her days, sustained by her own exertions, and true to her supposed engagement. . . .
[76] There are two aspects of woman's nature, expressed by the ancients as Muse and Minerva. It is the former to which the writer in the Pathfinder looks. It is the latter which Wordsworth has in mind, when he says,
With a placid brow,
[77] The especial genius of woman I believe to be electrical in movement, intuitive in function, spiritual in tendency. She is great not so easily in classification, or re-creation, as in an instinctive seizure of causes, and a simple breathing out of what she receives that has the singleness of life, rather than the selecting or energizing of art. . . . [78] More native to her is it to be the living model of the artist, than to set apart from herself any one form in objective reality; more native to inspire and receive the poem than to create it. In so far as soul is in her completely developed, all soul is the same; but as far as it is modified in her as woman, it flows, it breathes, it sings, rather than deposits soil, or finishes work, and that which is especially feminine flushes in blossom the face of earth, and pervades like air and water all this seeming solid globe, daily renewing and purifying its life. Such may be the especially feminine element, spoken of as Femality. But it is no more the order of nature that it should be incarnated pure in any form, than that the masculine energy should exist unmingled with it in any form.
[79] Male and female
represent the two sides of the great radical dualism. But, in fact, they are
perpetually passing into one another. Fluid hardens to solid, solid rushes to
fluid. There is no wholly masculine man, no purely feminine woman.
[Instructor's intrusion: Fuller
probably could not know of the Chinese Taijitu or Yin Yang Symbol
[80] History jeers at the attempts of physiologists to bind great
original laws by the forms which flow from them.
may not be destiny] They make a rule; they say from
observation what can and cannot be. In vain!
Nature provides exceptions to every
rule. She sends women to battle, and sets Hercules spinning; she enables women
to bear immense burdens, cold, and frost; she enables the man, who feels
maternal love, to nourish his infant like a mother. Of late she plays still
gayer pranks. Not only she deprives organizations, but organs, of a necessary
end. She enables people to read with the top of the head, and see with the pit
of the stomach. Presently she [Nature]
will make a female [81] Every relation, every gradation of nature, is incalculably precious, but only to the soul which is poised upon itself, and to whom no loss, no change, can bring dull discord, for it is in harmony with the central soul. [82] If any individual live too much in relations, so that he becomes a stranger to the resources of his own nature, he falls after a while into a distraction, or imbecility, from which he can only be cured by a time of isolation, which gives the renovating fountains time to rise up. With a society it is the same. Many minds, deprived of the traditionary or instinctive means of passing a cheerful existence, must find help in self-impulse or perish. It is therefore that while any elevation, in the view of union, is to be hailed with joy, we shall not decline celibacy as the great fact of the time. [still a radical notion esp. to family values and pro-populationists] It is one from which no vow, no arrangement, can at present save a thinking mind. For now the rowers are pausing on their oars, they wait a change before they can pull together. All tends to illustrate the thought of a wise contemporary. Union is only possible to those who are units. To be fit for relations in time, souls, whether of man or woman, must be able to do without them in the spirit. . . . . [83] There is no sweeter sight than to see a father with his little daughter. Very vulgar men become refined to the eye when leading a little girl by the hand. At that moment the right relation between the sexes seems established, and you feel as if the man would aid in the noblest purpose, if you ask him in behalf of his little daughter. Once two fine figures stood before me, thus. The father of very intellectual aspect, his falcon eye [<Byronic convention] softened by affection as he looked down on his fair child, she the image of himself, only more graceful and brilliant in expression. . . . [L]o, the dream was rudely broken. They were talking of education, and he said. [84] "I shall not have Maria brought too forward. If she knows too much, she will never find a husband; superior women hardly ever can." [85] "Surely," said his wife, with a blush, "you wish Maria to be as good and wise as she can, whether it will help her to marriage or not." [86] "No," he persisted, "I want her to have a sphere and a home, and some one to protect her when I am gone." [87] It was a trifling incident, but made a deep impression. I felt that the holiest relations fail to instruct the unprepared and perverted mind. If this man, indeed, would have looked at it on the other side, he was the last that would have been willing to have been taken himself for the home and protection he could give . . . . [88] But men do not look at both sides, and women must leave off asking them and being influenced by them, but retire within themselves, and explore the groundwork of being till they find their peculiar secret. Then when they come forth again, renovated and baptized, they will know how to turn all dross to gold, and will be rich and free though they live in a hut, tranquil, if in a crowd. Then their sweet singing shall not be from passionate impulse, but the lyrical overflow of a divine rapture, and a new music shall be elucidated from this many-chorded world. . . . [89] A profound thinker has said "no married woman can represent the female world, for she belongs to her husband. The idea of woman must be represented by a virgin." [90] But that is the very fault of marriage, and of the present relation between the sexes, that the woman does belong to the man, instead of forming a whole with him. Were it otherwise there would be no such limitation to the thought. [91] Woman, self-centered, would never be absorbed by any relation; it would be only an experience to her as to man. It is a vulgar error that love, a love to woman is her whole existence; she also is born for Truth and Love in their universal energy. Would she but assume her inheritance, Mary would not be the only Virgin Mother. Not Manzoni [1785-1873, Italian poet and novelist influenced by his wife's conversion to Catholicism] alone would celebrate in his wife the virgin mind with the maternal wisdom and conjugal affections. The soul is ever young, ever virgin.
[92] And will not she soon appear? The woman who shall vindicate
their birthright for all women; who shall teach them what to claim, and how to
use what they obtain? Shall not her name be for her era