LITR 5731 Seminar in Multicultural Literature:
American Immigrant: model assignments
2012 index to midterm submissions
Meryl Bazaman: Immigrant Land, America & That Burning Melting Pot
Carlos Marquina: The Immigrant Narrative: Process of Assimilation Into the Dominant Culture & American Minorities: What Became of Our Dream?
Sheila Morris: My Mother’s Immigrant Story & The Minority Struggle
Munira Omari: Immigrant Narratives & Minority vs. Immigrant Literature
Amy Sasser: Fantasy and Falsehood: The Immigrant Narrative and the American Dream & Discerning Differences: Exploring How Minority and Immigrant Narratives Differ"
Carrie Scott: Reading Between the Lines of the American Dream
Trina Silva: The Journey to Becoming a “Model Minority”: Analyzing Immigrant Narratives & To Assimilate or Not Assimilate? That is the Question: Comparing the Minority and Immigrant Narrative
Daniel Stuart: Boil On Oh Melting Pot: The Dichotomy of the Immigrant Narrative, Its Fluctuating Perspectives and Changing Structure & I, Too, Am America: Minority Narratives, Their Immigrant Counterparts and the Inconsistency of the Gap Between