LITR 5731: Seminar in American Minority Literature
University of Houston-Clear Lake, fall 2001
Index to Student Research Proposals

Donnette Arnold (LITR): journal or paper: educational issues in the expansion of the literary canon

Rachel Boyle (CRCL): quilts and other nonverbal codes practiced by African American slaves

Andrea Dunn (CRCL): African American names (journal)

Tara Edwards (LITR), Essay on Concealing Literacy in The Classic Slave Narratives and Push

Erin Gouner (LITR), journal on "double minorities" or "women of color"

Jamie Grayson (LITR), essay or journal on flying in minority literature

Linda Harvey (LITR), journal on emergence of voice in Mexican American literature, perhaps concentrating on poetry

Linda Higginbotham (LITR), essay or journal on Toni Morrison and "rememory"

David Miller (LITR), journal on Richard Rodriguez

Becky Nelson (LITR), journal on apocalyptic thought and minorities

Jill Reioux (LITR), essay on "voice" in the poetry of Langston Hughes

Sancar Sallanti (LITR), journal on the Ghost Dance

Michelle Stephenson (CRCL), names in Toni Morrison's novels > Journal on Women in the Civil Rights Movement

Philonis Stevenson (LITR), journal: Harlem Renaissance, not just Harlem, not just literature

Jennifer Thurik (LITR), journal (or possibly essay) on Pilate and Ultima as magical figures in Song of Solomon and Bless Me, Ultima