Midterm2 Samples 2015

(midterm2 assignment)

Index to Model Answers to Part 2. Learning Essay 2.

Part 2. Learning about Tragedy 2: Revise, continue, improve, & Extend Essay begun in Midterm1 on learning experience with tragedy, extending to include Sophocles's Family of Oedipus plays. (Revise / improve midterm1 draft & add at least 5-7 paragraphs for 9-10 paragraph total.) 

Authors & titles (scroll down for essays):

Eric Anderson, Staying Power: Comparing Ancient Tragedy and Comedy

Shelby Hollen, Tragedy 101

Kaitlin Jaschek, Tragedy is Real, Relatable, and Enjoyable

Fariha Khalil, Learning through Tragedy

Nona Olivarez, Where Tragedy Arises True Wisdom Is Sure To Follow