Mourning Becomes Electra (1947 film)
The Furies (1950 film)
review assignment "open to questions"--discuss difficulty of reading not to make you feel dumb, though I'm always humbled, how little I remember (have to start over) critical exercise, stretches your mind, does no harm use glossary, my notes?
preview: this chapter on Apolline / Dionysiac in nature, how they naturally occur in human mind, perception, society chapter 2 (Monday): the Apolline / Dionysiac in art (esp. Greek tragedy)
Question: What learning about Apolline & Dionysiac? Potential usefulness or attractiveness as learning? How explain to someone else? What metaphors or analogies? How does Apolline / Dionysiac appear in nature?
1a. What does the trilogy achieve in terms of civilization? If the Furies or Vengeful Ones are changed into Eumenides or Kindly Ones, what progress has been made? Consider: revenge culture > peace and prosperity? [Ag 1772, 1803-4] civilization creates institutions & practices like courts that mitigate extremes, balances interests, compromise conflicting values, make restitution (revenge culture is Dionysiac? Judicial culture Apolline?)
4. Uses or repression of spectacle? 1580-90 screams, etc 1621 palace doors open Ag 1620; LB 1140+; Eu 45, 1260
4. How may the initial appearance by the guard be potentially comical? (See comedy; wit & humor; comic theory) l. 5 just like a dog. l. 48 a great ox stands on my tongue
Libation Bearers Justify Electra Complex > Homecoming, 1930s Freud popular Recognitions scene [preview Oedipus] you have to honor the gods, but revelation can be interpreted plot as soul of tragedy; plot as ceremony / sacrifice / ritual [narrative]
280 + recognition scene 340 commanded by gods, Orestes becomes inhuman; cf. Agamemnon and Iphigenia Agamemnon line 254
[The palace doors open to reveal the dead body of Aegisthus with Orestes
standing over it. Pylades
(Orestes’s friend)
is beside Orestes]
No, not Aegisthus, ORESTES: You loved this man?
[The palace doors are thrown open, revealing Orestes
standing above the bodies of Aegisthus and Clytaemnestra. Pylades stands
beside Orestes. With them are attendants holding the bloodstained robes of Agamemnon]
Alas for this horrific act,
do I call him our saviour or our doom?
Eumenides notes opening tribute to Athens--drama as civic ritual, support for city; cf. Broadway & Houston 31 Dionysus 33 Pentheus 43 Pythia sees Orestes 52-3 a man the gods despise 55 sword and olive branch 60 groups of women sleeping 77 where does this end? . . . Apollo's work Apollo enters, stands near Orestes [contrast Dionysus] 99 reach Athena's city 101-4 speech, find a way 118 Ghost of Clytaemnestra 122 ghosts of those I killed revile me wakes up furies 312-13 Orestes embracing statue wants a trial 350 [Athens] will win allies 371 enter Athena 508 new property (Achaea > Troy] 525 one's neighbor who's done no wrong 538 he thought it right to kill his mother 540 two sides to dispute Areopagus Athena, heral, 10 citizens, jury 733 Apollo purified Orestes advocate: I share the blame [compare to sharing honor] 753 the orders of this god . . . my witness 761 she was guilty of two crimes 869 first trial for murder now and forever this court 880 reverence and terror . . . rulers of citizens 887 avoid both anarchy and tyranny 936 no mother gave me birth 954 votes equal, acquitted 967 [give justice, receive justice] [cf. 1080] 990+ disease will grow--that's justice citizens make fun of us 1008 you'll have your place 1066 a place of honor . . . more respect 1080 do good things, receive good things in honor [cf. 967] 1125 a blessing on this land 1127 x-brutal victories, only blessings 1197 struggle for justice > victorious forever group of citizens 1254 scarlet robes on Furies 1275 worked together for this ending singing and dancing [like comedy]