2016 Midterm2 (assignment)

Index to Sample Student Midterm2 Answers (alphabetical order)

Part 3. Research Report Starts

LITR 4340    
American Immigrant Literature
Model Assignments


Chandler Barton, Deutschland Uber Alles; at least, until it isn’t.

Amber Boone, The Dominant Culture and ‘Whiteness’

Madi Coates, The Beginning of the End: Japanese-American Immigrants

Ashley Cofer, Puerto Rican Culture and Nuyoricans

Austin Green, “Superman himself is literally an immigrant.”

Trey Kibodeaux, The Palestinian-American Immigrant Narrative

Kimberly Loza, The Border Culture

Katie Morin, The Galveston Movement: An Analysis of the Jewish Immigration to Texas

Jennifer Robles, Rocking the Boat with Fresh Off the Boat: An Examination into Asian Immigrancy

Christina Marie Sapp, Der Flug Für Freiheit (The Flight For Freedom)

Zach Thomas, Literacy Amongst American Immigrants

Jessica Tran, Proud to be Vietnamese-American