2016 Midterm2 (assignment)

to Sample Student Midterm2 Answers

Part 3. Research Report Starts

LITR 4340    
American Immigrant Literature
Model Assignments


Kimberly Loza

The Border Culture

    After going over my original research I now know that I need to condense of what I need to focus my research on. I have decided to focus more closely on Mexican American culture as in connection to the “border culture”. The border culture shows that not only Mexican Americans should be considered as an immigrant but, as a minority as well. I have always heard the saying that “we did not cross the border. the border crossed us.” This is very true for my family because we can trace our lineage all the way back to the Alamo in which my seven times great great grandfather Gregorio Esparza defended the Alamo. We were here before there was even Texas and this land was a part of Mexico. So I thought it would be interesting to connect the matter of Mexican Americans being classified as being immigrants or a minority or both.
     The first part of my research that I found was from Michael Dear’s “Third Nation” along the US-Mexico border in which he discusses the way we should view border culture and how it affects the people that are a part of this culture. He first brings the emphasis on the idea of borders in which he refers to a sign in New Mexico that says “Es una frontera, no una barrera” this quote means this is a border, not a barrier. This is very true and I believe that the point that Dear was trying to make was that borders should not keep people or the culture out. It should be embraced and taken notice of. I learned that what the Third Nation is in which Dear explains “I call the spaces between Mexico and the US a ‘third nation.’ It’s not a sovereign state, I realize, but it contains many of the elements that would otherwise warrant that title, such as a shared identity, common history, and joint traditions. Border dwellers on both sides readily assert that they have more in common with each other than with their host nations” (Dear, 2013). This is interesting to see that even though there is this border but, they do not use it as a means of separation which is something incredible to think when we have had to considered whether Mexican Americans are either immigrants or a minority but, more like both. They don't even put focus on that people of the border culture cross the border every day in order to get to work the back home. Dear himself even focuses on this subject in which he says “One man who crossed daily, living and working on both sides, told me: “I forget which side of the border I’m on.” The boundary line is a connective membrane, not a separation” (Dear, 2013). This is very interesting to think of the Mexican American culture in connection to how it should be classified. I really admired how he emphasized that it is not a means of separation but, rather as a means to cross over back and forth without hesitation to embrace the culture all life style that surrounds it.

Some other research that I found to be interesting in which to consider whether the Mexican Americans should be viewed as immigrants or an minority is an article entitled Transformations of La Familia on the U.S.-Mexico Border by Raquel R. Márquez. I picked this article because I thought that it was interesting to see how she focuses on getting over it when she states “the U.S.-Mexico border is in many ways a unique space where family ties, Mexican and U.S. policies, and the Spanish and English languages are central components of everyday life. The borderlands is a place where families negotiate identities while interacting within changing social, political, and economic dynamics” (Marquez, 2008). She shows that even though these the families are a part of different cultures that they unify through the languages and culture that they have. She really focuses on unity and commonality. This is something that I really want to focus on myself being a Mexican American because I don’t identify as one. I am proud of both of my cultures. So, I feel that in relation to whether Mexican Americans are viewed as either immigrants or a minority I feel that they should be classified as both. They chose to come to the US in order achieve the American Dream that they want so bad but, they have to also go through the exploitation however, want to hold onto their own heritage in order to remain true to their selves.
      This research has taught me so much about my own culture and how the border culture is in connection with how to classify Mexican Americans but, we are both immigrants and a minority. We want the American Dream but, we also want to remain true to our own culture. It is like from the movie Selena, when Edward James Olmos’ character states “we have to prove to the Mexicans how Mexican we are and we have to prove to the Americans how American we are. Both at the same time.” Like he said it is exhausting but, it is something that we do because we want to show love to the two cultures that we love and embrace so dearly. We want the success of the American Dream but, we also want to remain true to ourselves and embrace our own heritage because it is also a very rich one.

Work Cited
Dear, M. J. “Third Nation” along the US-Mexico border. New York: Oxford UP, 2013. Print.

Alcalde, M. Cristina. "Transformations of La Familia on the US-Mexico Border." Latino Studies 9.4 (2011): 505-07. Web.