Round House
Zelia 242 Convert the Indians 242 x-tipis, skin lighter than hers 242 192 what Indians? 243 Mormons and Witnesses 243 Pagans here 243 Mexican, close family 243 You’re Indian too, noble Mayan / Aztec (Mex Am) 243
review presentation assignment
ch. 9 mixed blood as survival
142 writing this story at a removal of time 178
246 Joe later public prosecutor 309
1. Evidence of minority identity, culture, or voice (or . . . immigrant or dominant / "settler" culture).
1a. How does the novel represent the Indian minority culture and the dominant / "settler" culture differently? How do the Indian characters see the dominant / "settler" culture, or how much do they see or interact with it at all? (Assimilation or resistance, or some hybrid or mixed identity?)
Minority Spoken / oral culture 21 [Cappy tells origins of thunderbird egg] 26 33 Mooshun: Hear me . . . She gotta come out. 42 65 Old Man Niswi (oral culture) 81
dominant culture
9 Cher a surprised plastic doll . . . ratty
yellow hair 11 What had Cher done to me? 11 10 windowless, metal cabinets 13 13 Dr. Egge, cf. egg 16 14 picture of pioneer woman and baby 18 Not the picture’s fault 18 20 Liked Data b/c mocked white people 25 Wesley bumbling white town-baby 25 Picard a French old man, so liked 25 24 [grotesque] abnormally short bureaucrat 30
Smell of
disinfectant, white despair 146 dominant
126 teeth so straight 158 White, white room 159
dominant culture
161 dead voice, cheerful, dead 202 What you’ve done to my emotions 203 No standing under law for good reason 203 Diminish the white man & take his honor 203 Could be rich > show you what you are 203 Boning up on law 203 Strong should rule weak 203 Where the money is? 203 162 baby – money in the bank 204 Not really a bad person 204
166 university student > Grandma Thunder 209 Write down a teaching (oral / literate) 209 Whitey: Curtis Yeltow 209 prairie nigger word for Indians Gun lover / freak 210 Sun Dance = devil worship 210
170 this person, features neat and regular 214 But not good-looking 214 Teeth white and even 215
1b. Syncretism is a merging of relgious beliefs and symbols—not conversion but compromise, or acculturation rather than assimilation. What examples of syncretism in religion or acculturation in Indian lifestyles, clothing, occupations?
syncretism 59 Pre 1978, Indians can’t practice religion 74 Ceremonies, social dance hall, + Bibles (60) 74-5 60 Ecclesiastes, earth abideth 75 60 Father Damien + medicine people and songs 75 72 Indian tacos 91
130 rabbit-fur-trimmed moccasins + insulated
socks [syncretism, acculturation] 162
Mishikenh, snapping turtles + science: 150
million years 194
Priests and nuns since reservation beginning 314 Traditional Indians, ceremonies kept alive in secret but
Catholicism beaten into them 314 [syncretism] 250 boarding school 314 Saints and sacred pipe [syncretism] 314
276 Veterans, American flag, POW-MIA flag, flag
of Tribal Nation 348 Traditional Eagle Staff 348 307
Meditations etc . .
. Vine Deloria Jr. 387
2. Identification & analysis of literary purposes, devices, or genres.
2a. Continue: What possible distinct genres or types of story (e.g., detective, YA or coming-of-age, revenge, "dramady," others) do you recognize in the opening chapters? What do we learn about genres from the co-existence of so many genres?
137 implication: doing Mom things [ruse,
distraction; detective story] 171
267-8 blunder question, quick thinking
[plotting] 337
288-9 [code talk] 364
Comedy / humor 18 Right the first time they divorced 23 19 Satellite reception, dented hubcap 24 25 Proximity to Sonja’s breasts 32 31 Indian suitcase = garbage bag 39 35 Start cooking again (dark humor) 45 36 roadkill? 46 38 explosion, mosquitoes 46 Eight naked Indians, frybread 49 41 Reagan and “preserves” 52 92 unblinking, all-seeing gaze 116 Hot dog thieves (anticlimax) 116 X-proud > getting a lecture (anticlimax) 116 Juvenile sarcasm 117
[physical comic scene]
195 quick-acting poison 247 [incongruity, humor]
Erection 242
For years our people have struggled to resist an
unstoppable array of greedy and unstable beings. 140 Taste nearness of defeat, but 140 112 [survival . . . Bionic
Commando] [humor]
140 [deflation] + anticlimax
253 soul > shoot gophers (humor) 318 [anticlimax,
255 Nobody worth this vision [humor, wit, irony] 320
2b. The doppelganger is a familiar archetype of gothic and detective fiction and origin stories, in which good and bad twins, siblings, or strangers fight for control of identity and destiny. What serious literary or moral purposes can the doppelganger device serve. (Round House features Linda and Linden Lark, maybe Joe and Cappy; others?)
119 doppelganger 150 Visitations of my presence 150
133 not a ghost 166 (doppelganger)
I was part of monster too 378 No matter how much it ate, couldn’t get right thing 378 Always something it needed 378 What it was: me. my powerful spirit 378
Nanapush 228 183 Nanapush? Old man prone to madness 231 Self-discipline + greed 231 Miracles < gross,
disgusting behavior 231
2c. Erdrich's Round House was generally well-received but received some criticism for too many digressions, and my limited criticism is that the concluding chapter feels hurried (perhaps necessarily), with a number of possible resolutions in play. Do you agree with these criticisms or see other imperfections in an otherwise impressive novel?
146 Bugger Poirier 184 Like Vatican 2 never happened 315
Bugger Poirier 315 252 Bugger’s mother died 317 265 Linda: cigarette to Bugger 333-4 268 Bugger riding bike 338 Bugger Poirier, what seen? 388-9 Construction, Mayla’s body 391 Linden to jail if followed Bugger’s dream 391
3. Identification & analysis of universal human attributes?
Human 65 Grandma Ignatia Thunder; Church hardened; priests
hardened 82 93 Should have said proud (human) 118
223 like my son > another piece a shit guy 281 Tassel > just another guy 281 Wanted to be something better 281
Decided you’re too young (tolerance of ambiguity, limits)
LITR 4338 American Minority Literature Detailed
Objective 3b.Native American Indian alternative
narrative: "Loss and Survival" Yet they defy the myth of "the vanishing Indian," instead choosing to "survive," sometimes in faith that the dominant culture will eventually destroy itself, and the forests and buffalo will return.
American Indians as minority (causes of loss)
188 go back to Before 237 193 someone different from before—mother 244
131 Mooshun stayed alive [survival]
155 great influenza [Indian pandemics] 195 228 1843 entire country based on grabbing Indian land,
land speculation 287 Betting on smallpox 287
179 Akikwe, Earth Woman + Mirage 226 Good at surviving 226 179 They forced us into our boundary. The reservation
year 227 Broken soil like white man 227
First reservation years, starved x cows of settlers 233 Buffalo’s glory; where gone? 233 Hole in earth 233 185
white men shoot thousands 233 Survivors
How does the rape of Joe's mother Geraldine duplicate in gendered terms the
racial / ethnic
minority experience?
("Afterword"). Is it appropriate to regard Geraldine's rape as a
for American Indian experience of loss and survival? 90 all a violation 103
Clans gave laws, many rules 270 Round house my body, of your mother 270
59 Low moan, grieving sound [loss] 74 60 Ecclesiastes, earth abideth 75 73 Cappy’s aunts tanned hides 91 survived many deaths and losses, no sentiment left 91 100 [loss] white man appeared 126 Gut kick of our history 126
The sentence was to endure 400 x-childhood 400 just kept going 400
alcoholism 208 party on and on 262 (alcoholism)
rationalize literary devices as not just ideas about society, which can change
Child’s face, doll 168 [horror movie motif] [convention,
trope] 135 doll full of money 169
mimesis and identify
archetypes: tricksters and doppelgangers
Symbol 77 round house symbol of old pagan ways 97 78 heart-shaped pincushion 99
human divisions frustrating but not senseless frustrating that humans can get along with each other in some ways but not others or get along with some people but not others
100 [loss] white man appeared 126
94 [us-them] Angus’s hair 118
118 why she’d blamed me 149 You’re white 149
179 They forced us into our boundary. The reservation
year 227
Whitey thinks he owns me (ethnic > gender) 177
27 a police TV question 34 [mimesis]
97 father’s phrasing: May I ask you a question [mimesis] 122
103 VHS player, Alien [symbol?] 130
23 [Mom mimesis] Food you like. Treats. 29
Listen to me, Joe [mimesis] 113
Human 65 Grandma Ignatia Thunder; Church hardened; priests
hardened 82 93 Should have said proud (human) 118