Tracy K. Smith, Don't You Wonder, Sometimes?
How much is a minority or African American identity still
identifiable in the poem? If not for the photo of Smith, would anyone without
previous knowledge assume hers is an African American voice? If not, what does it say about an evolving cosmopolitan,
multicultural, or global identity that may replace or over-ride America’s
inherited ideas or identities concerning minorities?
Midterm response > final exam need for minority definition literary device? symbols not teaching course again, so . . .
final exams, literary device working for some, not for others but minority meaning Course Objectives
individual responsibility + historical / environmental determinism
teaching and learning Literature
1. Literature as meaning, identity and escape > humanity? [language, fiction as human creations that create meaning]
2. literary devices [how]
3. literary and cultural history
science fiction attracts non-majors [literature of ideas]
science fiction meets students' needs in rapidly changing world
us-them? humans as social creatures, but primal, fundamental impulse to divide to social groups 23 April
1. Discuss the use of science fiction / time travel as a literary device for discussing a historical event like slavery.
1a. How is slavery a defining historical instance of minority status? How does that minority status continue for Dana in the 20th century?
1b. Continuing the sexual dimension of slavery, how does gender identity play into or against the racial or ethnic dimensions of slavery or minority status? Compare and contrast the relations between Kevin and Weylin, Dana and Margaret, Dana and Sarah, and Dana and Rufus.
2. Most people don't like history (except as self-affirming), but how does history help us avoid fiction's tendency to divide people into heroes and villains, victims and victimizers? Or flip: how does fiction simplify history?
2a. How does fiction "personalize" slavery or make us care and see its consequences for blacks and whites? How does fiction complicate our ideas or visions about history?
2b. How does understanding slavery as a foundation of American history help understand not just black America but white America?
3. For literary purposes or devices, how and why does Kindred introduce two leading characters who are writers, a past character (Miss Hannah) who was a reader, and Rufus as a character with a reading disorder? What are the consequences for identity from being able to read and write well?
4. For what makes us human, how is slavery dehumanizing, especially in its destruction or distortion of black and white families?
5. Watch for references to Frederick Douglass.
6. History as conditioning, deterministic; environmental influences on character, humanity—how much can we escape or redirect history? The Fall 52 casual labor market x slave market 52 [realism] one shoe + shorted potato chips 53 nonpeople rented 53 working on my novels 54 unusual-looking white man 54 Compton 54-55 writer’s life (1970s) 56 parents dead, auto accident (romance hero) 57 a kindred spirit 57 Kevin and I / me 58 Kevin lay beside me [accelerates plot] 59 broken leg, Nigel 60 whether anyone’s made Daddy mad 61 learned to talk that way 61 cf. nigger, trash 62 California of 1976 / 1819 62 real . . . how? . . . don’t know 63 time travel was science fiction 63 1820
Missouri Compromise 64 coins > bicentennial quarter [realism] 65 play the roles 65 broken leg . . . cost me 65 black man look of disgust 66 19c medicine 68 Rufus becoming his father 70 people didn’t like, wasn’t just racial 71 look of pity [human] 72 cf FD, children fed 72 utensils [realism] 73 [psych] 75 Carrie; Rufus defended Sensitive 76 only baby kept 76 slave children . . . didn’t know they were slaves 77 place would rub off on him 79 need friends [human] 79 [Kevin as writer, inventive] 80 Weylin x-education, resents 80 find humanity in him [human] 80 class 81 You call that human 81 red-haired version of father 83 environment influencing 83 survive 84 your theory [sf] 84 family moreal woman x chases me 85 slave kids look like Weylin 85 Kevin’s limits 86 Aunt Sarah x-Mammy 86 Daddy sold [my friend] 87
slave trading 87 a castaway myself 87 books belonged to Miss Hannah 88 learning disability? 90 Weylin’s eyes like Kevin’s 90-1 my fertility none of his business [1970s x 1810s] 91 I played the slave 92 making an example 92 preserve a little 1976 93 a Christian house 93 Margaret little or nothing to do [human, cf. Avila] 94 duties as master 94 prepared me to survive 95 sell babies > furniture, china, fancy things
[dehumanize] 95 Miss Hannah a real lady [class] 95 you work [human] 95 Matters what is Dialogue of black women 96 don’t argue with white folks 96 black overseer 96 ignored, continued, nothing happened 95-6 [passive resistance] 97 became part of household, disturbed me 97 acclimatize 97 go west—Indians cf blacks Kevin looked strangely 98 observers watching history, actors 98 everybody smelled 99 imitating what seen adults doing Preparing for future 100 Kevin-Dana dialogue > action? 101 I can’t maintain the distance 101 how people trained to accept slavery 102 talking back, so don’t say much 104 a smaller replica of his father 105 more rational The Fight 108 independence (personal income) 110 sisters husband a good Nazi 111 x-whites > light blacks 111 marry someone who looks like him 112 married
in Vegas, clock from Atlantic I awoke [sub-chapter] 113 Kevin in 1819 115 memory no place at home 115 Friday, June 11, 1976 2 months = 1 day 116 all over, write about it 116 books about slavery and nonfiction Gone with the Wind 117 Nazis, antebellum whites 118 cf. Sarah, holding self back 120 Kevin gone north 123 right to say no x rights Her own fault 124 a little humanity? Shame in loving a black woman 124 in your time, married her 125 x-lie to each other 126 “Home at last” 127 smoothed out time-distorted reality 129 Nigel, another Luke 130 Weylin gives Dana a choice 132 Sarah could have been his mother 133 slaves’ marriage ceremonies 134 He’s a fair man Monster > ordinary man + society 135 explain x describe [time sequence] 137 twins’ infant mortality] 138 mean low white trash [Jake] 138 Luke to New Orleans 139 free black papers torn up, sold You sound like a slaveholder 140 abolitionist, book, century since, why still
complaining 140 that’s history . . . offends you or not J D B DeBow F Douglass, S Truth, H Tubman 141 Nat Turner, Denmark Vesey 142 desperation x- whimsy, anger 143 North Star x map You’re home [creepy? Uncaring?] 143 Isaac, Alice 4 days of freedom 144 why should they work hard? People watch 145 North cf. heaven, none come back 145 Sarah held in contempt in 1960s 147 Aunt Mary + herbs 147 keloids [scars w/ built-up cellulose, more common in
African descent] 148 Isaac overland to Michigan 149 Rufus got possession . . . made no sense 149 cut off Isaac’s ears 140 Rufus drunk + rape 140 Kevin x black and white Like that when married 151 Sarah’s oldest son < Miss Hannah’s father 150-1 Sarah knows Rufus Rufus helped 154 return to reality when strong
enough (cf.
Round House) 154 Carrie + baby 155 Nigel’s work on cabin = investment for Rufus 155 Alice + work [human] 156 Alice doesn’t realize she’s a slave (cf. Jacobs, FD) 151 Alice a slave because helped a slave 159 Weylin taking Tess to bed 160 doctor nigger, reading-nigger, white nigger 160 why not let me die? 160 cries of a baby 161 one nigger richer 162 welcome hard work [human] 163 involve me in that rape 163 Rufus: you want Kevin like I want Alice [human?] 163 . . . be with his own kind 164 think you’re white, don’t know your place 164 all the low cunning of his class 165 white nigger, turning against your own people 165 Liza, potential enemy 167 It’s your body.
Not mine. His. 167 > women’s dialogue 168 only one I can hurt and not get hurt back 169 cf.
prep in P of
S 170 two letters, my handwriting 170 become a boy 171 overplanning 173 someone betrayed me 176 [reciprocation; human] 177 Harriet Tubman 177 how easily slaves are made 178 Liza, sewing woman Alice: to get at me 179 Weylin writes to Kevin, fairer than Rufus 179-80 destructive single-minded love 180 Rufus younger brother, Alice sister 181 [code of honor] my word to black or white Respect [human] 181 Tess to Jake and fields 182 slavery long precess of dulling [cf. FD] 183 Methodist minister 184 [compassion, pity, defense] [human] 187 your keep x you people owe me [cf. prisons] 187 voice gone hard [x-human] The Storm 190 Kevin a slight accent 190 as though he were 191 Kevin and I lived here only 2 days 191 losing place here in my own time 191 women die in childbirth 191 cut finers for writing 191 a good breeder 192 everything here so soft, easy 192 Denmark Vesey? 193 5 years longer than it sounds 193 [electric] typewriter 194 something closed and ugly (x-human) 195 sonit boom, jet 195 antiseptic, Excedrin 196 chops still frosty, how long gone Only hours; K 8 days 196 South Africa cf. 19c 196 a few hours, 2 months 198 tripped over Rufus, drunk or sick 199 Weylin bent and old 199 he took offense so easily [x-human] 199 look as young as you ever did 200 he had done at least one decent thing 200 one human being to another, grateful 201 x-beating > help son 201 [figure of speech] > literally 203 ague > malaria 204 trying to kill yourself 206 Sarah, everybody getting older 207 Alice looked harder [dehumanized] 207 white babies, red hair 210 Alice blamed Rufus [Rufus blamed Dana] 211 Fowler as animal 212 Kill self today > every day 213 cf. Rufus’s and Kevin’s words 214 Rufus sounded, looked like his father 216 laudanum for Margaret 217 Alice another baby, Hagar? 219 > women’s dialogue 220 time to myself; stopped acting? 221 be my own master 221 coffle 222 How do it? My property [Dana suspected of assimilating?] 223 If Tom dies, all sold 223 more white than black 224 it doesn’t come off 225 dengue fever? 226 Daddy left debts. 227 persuasive letters 227 Rufus didn’t like working 228 Alice and Dana “one woman” 228 shorthand as cypher 229 like, contempt, fear 230 teach Joe to read and write 231 the boy captured him 233 Hagar! 234 names symbolic 234 more give, more wants x-what people call me 235 white nigger you are 236 a common enemy to unite us 236 Methodist minister: reading > disobedient 237 Sam James 237 do things they don’t like to say alive and whole 238 Sam > coffle 238 he hit me—breaks agreement 239 cut my wrists The Rope 240 [cutting wrists] got me home 241 Louis George, nonfiction [suppression of labor] 241 3 hours = 8 months 242 tied to my denim bag
J 242 how do well at owning and trading slaves? 242 a man of his time 242 breeding [violation of privacy] 243 real now, isn’t it? What do? 243 15 full days together June 29-July 3 243 reverse symbolism: July 4 243 I wouldn’t rest easy till I knew Rufus was dead 244 intervals no meaning Rufus 25 245 hasn’t raped me = Rufus’s suiide 246 Tess could be me 256 accept limits 247 power mine, or something in him 247 Rufus no older but something wrong 248 Alice dead 249 sold her babies . . . his children? What he care about that? 251 two certificates of freedom 252 minister coal-black freedman Literate . . . Job 252 big dinner after funeral [slave culture > black culture] 252 Court House, certificates of freedom [cf. Douglass] 253 lonely people sharing [human] x-barriers 253 Rufus: master > father [human] 254 away three months 254 freeing more . . . in his will Civil War still 30 years away 254 motive to kill Rufus 254 you leaving me 255 help me or notes you chose 255 trust both ways [human] 255 you confuse everybody [new American] 255 black who watches, thinks, makes trouble 257-8 “I’m sorry” first time [human?] 258 lonely: words touched me. I knew . . . 258 Aunt Mary . . . come over from Africa 258 grief, loneliness, uncertainty 260 not his father, had bathed 260 accept as ancestor, brother, friend; not as master,
lover 261 still caught, joined to wall [symbol?] Spot Rufus’s fingers grasped Epilogue 262 flew to Maryland Steamship > bridge 262 schools with black and white kids Older people looked at Kevin and me 262 house was dust, like Rufus 262 newspaper, fire, slave sale 263 Margaret and grandchildren or slaves? 263 14th
Amendment 263 why he couldn’t make well 264 scar, empty left sleeve Reader’s guide 265 neo-slave narrative 266 Edana [naming] 267 arm as emblem, symbol 267 cf.
Metamorphosis 268 past researched 268 human relationships 269 “grim fantasy” x sf 270 life experience > extend through fiction 271 1940s-50s sf “colorblind” 272 Ursula K. Le Guin 273 speculative fiction 274 metaphors 275 black community, white aliens 276 pretending > reality 277 Frederick Douglass 278 fantastic travelogue + slave narrative 278 cf. Jacobs’s ethics of compromise 10.6 confuses all principles of morality