(2014 midterm assignment)

Index to Sample Student Midterm Answers 2014

#2: Short Essays

LITR 4231
Early American Literature


#2a: Short Essay (Favorite Passage)

(alphabetical order)

Josh Cobb, Franklin: Satire, Reason, and Reform

Thomas Dion, “A New Story:” Lessons on the Rules of Civility

Elizabeth Sorensen, Ann Bradstreet

Victoria Webb, The Two Sisters

#2b: Short Essay (Favorite Term)

(alphabetical order)

Elisa Cortez, Syncretism in The Story of the Virgin of Guadalupe

Cristen Lauck, Why is the Enlightenment so Enlightening?

Cassandra Rea, Origin and Creation Stories

Sarah Robin Roelse, The Captivity Narrative as Seen Through the Eyes of Modernity