LITR 4231 Early American Literature

lecture notes

Meeting 6: Edwards Sinners & Equiano Narrative

Webpage, midterm updates

Edwards & Sinners: Niki

Instructor on sublime & gothic


instructor on Equiano--discussion questions

assignments for 2 March


Tuesday, 23 February: Revival and Redemption    


Jonathan Edwards, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (4th generation of Puritans)

Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative . . . (1789; first slave narrative)

Student Presentations

Discussion Leader(s): Niki Bippen (Edwards)

Discussion Questions for Edwards: Why is "Sinners" the "most famous sermon ever?" Why do readers remember it? Why does it matter now, whether we share the religion or not?

Identify elements of the gothic or sublime. Compare to Rowlandson's Captivity Narrative.

What is changing about religion? Compare to Winthrop or Salem Witch Trials.

Discussion Questions for Equiano:

Equiano's style is much like that of the Founders. What qualities separate it from the Puritan style?

Equiano shows slavery as horrifying, but his attitude differs from most later, Romantic slave narratives, especially towards the end.

Americans who feel defensive about slavery often point to African slavery. What differences?



