Craig White's Literature Courses

Critical Sources

Notes to Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy
(1872, 1886)

Chapter 3 

Glossary to Birth of Tragedy

21 metaphor

Construction of Apolline world > underlying foundations


22 x-elevated morals

x-asceticism (*), spirituality, duty > rich and triumphant existence that defies good or evil

fantastic exuberance of life

Silenus: best not to be born, or die soon

Greeks knew and felt horrors of existence


23 Etruscans

Titanic gods of fear > Olympic gods of joy

Life includes suffering haloed in a higher glory

Art = complement and apotheosis of existence


23 reverse Silenus’s wisdom


24 Apolline triumphs by resorting to illusions

Homer: individual dream artist > dream faculties of people and nature

Greeks transfigure selves into Gods, see selves in higher sphere


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