LITR 5831 World / Multicultural Literature:
Tragedy & Africa

Bacchae Presentation

1. Pre-read assigned portion of Bacchae

2. For presentation, find passage on web and review plot of Bacchae so far and preview how your part develops the plot.

3. Take class to 2-3 passages in assignment that impressed you as exciting or significant.

4. At some point, connect your presentation to either a website or video on the Bacchae page (or find another website or video on your own).

5. At end of presentation (or along the way), open floor to questions or comments.

6. Have 1-2 questions prepared for discussion—these questions can be generic, e.g.

"What was surprising?"

"What parts interested you?"

"What qualities of this tragedy remind you of other tragedies?"

How does Euripides's style differ from that of Aeschylus (Oresteia) and Sophocles (Oedipus Cycle)?

Why is Euripides often criticized as both decadent in relation to his forebears and popular or modern to later audiences?

Connections to other texts or presentations are always welcome and impressive.