Research Posts (2 installments + review in final exam) (25%) Submission windows:
Content: the best introduction to this assignment is to review previous student submissions at model assignments. Assignment: Write and email two “adventures or experiments in research.” These exercises must be relevant to our subject matter but may reflect your personal and professional interests. Try connecting to Literature, but not absolutely required--posts may move into history, sociology, anthropology, etc.
Length: at least 4 paragraphs, plus or minus bibliographic information. You may write more than 4 paragraphs, but beyond 6 or 7 paragraphs may push the assignment too far. Bibliographic requirements and information: At least 4 sources.
Posting to webpage: Email contents to instructor at Instructor posts to webpage and emails notification with brief reaction. This may be all the feedback student will receive until final grade report. (See “grading” below.)
Content, etc.: Title your entry to serve as a link. Title should indicate content. Title may take the form of a question. 1st paragraph: Introduce and frame a question you want to answer or a topic you want to know more about. Explain source or background of your interest; what you already knew on subject, how or where you learned it or were alerted to it, etc. These backgrounds may be personal as well as educational or professional. At some point in this introductory paragraph, a statement of the question you’re trying to answer should appear. 2nd and 3rd paragraphs: describe your search for answers to your question or topic of interest. Locate, describe, and evaluate at least two sources in some detail. Your content may change directions according to what you learned instead of what you expected to learn. You may attempt some brief analysis or opinion, but the main purpose is to describe, summarize, and share information in an interesting and readable way. 4th paragraph: What is the answer to your question? Your “answer” may take a variety of forms, as long as you demonstrate learning.
These paragraph descriptions above are only guidelines, not absolute rules.
Your two posts may change subjects or continue a single subject. Remain aware of need to discuss your research posts as part of final exam essay on your overall learning curve. Choosing a topic or topics: Before either post, welcome to email instructor regarding choice of topic(s) for 1st & 2nd posts. Previewing with instructor does not commit. Topics for research posts evolve as research is carried out. Grading: Grades for research postings are not returned until Final Grade Report. The grade is based on readability, interest, and quality of research. (By interest, I don’t mean whether I would have chosen the topic, but how well the report generates and sustains interest.) The first research post will only be replied to with a brief note of receipt and review; your only grade for your research posts will be a composite grade for both. Review further by request or in conference.