Brexit vote Thursday, 23 June immigrants expect a higher standard of living but can't imagine giving up their culture as entirely as assimilation implies Christopher Caldwell, "Europe’s Other Crisis" Question: USA has fewer problems with Muslim immigration than Europe, fewer violent outbreaks. After web review . . . why? USA as "nation of many nations," e pluribus unum, but European nations are defined more by a "folk" or "national culture"; i.e., France is defined by the French people; England by the English character or soul, etc. So what happens to such a national culture when it experiences high immigration from a different culture--a pattern to which the USA is somewhat accustomed?
2 family, community support [4] All Western European countries have some version of this problem, which involves immigration, Islam, dissent from established European culture, and organized violence. [6] The grim fact is that no Western European country—not one—has managed even a marginally successful integration of its Muslim immigrants, despite half a century of vast treasury outlays, wholesale constitutional re-workings, and indefatigable excuse-making. 19-20 colonization 33 nation as governing social unit
Asian immigrants are the "model immigrants" in the late 20th, early 21st centuries--especially South Asian immigrants Comparable to Jewish immigrants in early 20th century What makes these groups so outstanding or exemplary? What are the qualities of a "model immigrant?"
What makes these groups so outstanding or exemplary? Both groups immigrate from far away, across ocean--increases commitment (compared to New World immigrants, who may not lose connection to home country) Both Jewish and South Asian immigrants to US often arrive with strong commitment to education and professional advancement. South Asian immigrants are another "model immigrant group," a. k. a. "model minority"--compare East Asian groups (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) from third class meeting. Reprise: how do the stories exemplify the immigrant narrative? Pay forward: how do these groups already resemble the dominant culture? Indian-Americans (not American Indians) probably the most distinguished group of immigrant authors in our lifetime; compare Jewish-American writers a century ago. Pulitzer Prize winners, considerable international prestige Why? What history contributes to their prestige and quality? Indian writers as outstanding figures in World Literature during recent generation: Salman Rushdie Arundhati Roy V. S. Naipaul Bharati Mukherjee Jhumpa Lahiri Chitra Divakaruni TV article: Why are Indian Americans so great? language skills and literacy--compare to Jews, Puritans and Pilgrims--all highly literate peoples Minority Literature objective: "literacy = path to empowerment" Indian immigrant writers are extraordinary because it's not their children writing literature, but the immigrants themselves Why? British empire! British empire influences or establishes Indian schools English becomes language of convenience for multilingual India (14 major languages, 700+ dialects) Not only do Indian writers often know English beforehand, but often with prestige of British accent. Both Jewish and South Asian immigrants to US often arrive with strong commitment to education and professional advancement. Divakaruni 76 imagination . . . Modern Novel class at the university
Compare to central American immigrants, who are often (not always) poor and lacking education traditions Here's why South Asians show up in such good shape: 1. The trip is so far and long that only fairly well-off people can afford it. 2. Poor and uneducated workers of South Asia emigrate to nearer areas to sell their labor: especially oil-rich Arab countries. . . . "guest workers"
what is the dominant culture that they join? Where did it come from? How did it start? What are its qualities? "Thank God for the Jews" 229-30 Kamal at hospital, seeing patients [ > professional status] Model minority as math, music, medicine 232 A tall, handsome reporter, who, with his upturned coat collar and straw-colored, wind-swept hair, seemed to belong in an ad for Burberry's in The New Yorker, was saying something about "recent acts of terrorism" in a faraway voice. An Israeli School bus had been bombed. . . An Arab village in ruins. . . . An old woman cried without restraint . . . . 233 The handsome, roving reporter, unchanged in his appearance, disconnected still from his surroundings, was speaking in a crisp accent that wasn't anything like what she heard on the streets in New York or Westville . . . . Qualities of dominant culture observable in this example: "detached" quality--dominant culture always pulling away, heading into future This "detached" quality can make the dominant culture elusive, hard to pin down or criticize "Detached" can turn into a quality of "purity" or resistance to others' efforts at assimilation to it The ethnic identity of the dominant culture is "unmarked." Compare to "Israeli school bus" and "Arab village." What ethnicity is the reporter? detached as unmarked?
If anything, Anglo-American or Northern European, but hard to say. Divakaruni 70 stewardess so blond, so American Dominant culture is "unmarked." Immigrant and minority cultures are "marked," but by assimilation they can become "unmarked."
"Thank God for the Jews" 230-1 Islamic women between tradition and modernity . . . "All this nonsense about bleeding the animal . . . It's ridiculous!" 232 "They've already forgotten their ways." 232 custom and habit gone awry in Westchester County 235 "what's kosher is okay with us"--in America, ancient rivalries (as between Muslims and Jews) get starved, washed out--everyone's thrown together as "Americans" in the great American marketplace
Chitra Divakaruni, “Silver Pavements, Golden Roofs” (70-83) 70 so blond, so American 71 Americans, I'd heard, like their privacy, x-relatives 72 so fair-skinned. [color code] 75 dark-skinned foreigners
Bharati Mukherjee, “A Wife’s Story” (IA 57-69) 60 left home, my husband, to get a Ph.D. in special ed. [model minorities] 60 We've made it. Patels must have made it. 64 more privacy than we ever had in India 64 another shopping scene! [compare "Thank God for the Jews"] 65 absolutely sure he doesn't want to see Harlem + 69 "I am not understanding these Negro people's accents." 66 I've been trained to adapt 66 Statue of Liberty 67 We have spent our life's savings to see this skyline, this statue
Conclusions indicate immigrant narrative, American Dream
Chitra Divakaruni, “Silver Pavements, Golden Roofs” (70-83) 75 But I know the sky outside is filled with strange and beautiful stars, and I am suddenly angry with him for trying to ruin it for me 77 The skyscrapers of downtown Chicago float glimmering in the distance,, enchanted towers out of an old storybook . . . makes me suddenly happy, full of hope [cf. heaven] 83 I step outside onto the balcony, drawing my breath in at the silver marvel of it. . . . now it makes sense that the beauty and the pain should be part of each other.
Bharati Mukherjee, “A Wife’s Story” (IA 57-69) 67 We have spent our life's savings to see this skyline, this statue 69 In the mirror . . . . the body's beauty amazes me compare Whitman
217 b. Brahmin caste near Madras Christian schools > sister college Mount Holyoke, Foreign Fellow, 20 years old Immigrantiona nd Naturalization Act of 1965 overwhelmingly urban and educated, nearly 40% on student or exchange visas > grad degrees > permanent residence ethnic population 113% growth, U.S. popn 13% After 1 year, returned to complete degree at Women's Christian College arranged marriage to Ram, western-educated financial consultant 218 to U.S., M.A. Journalism Columbia 2000 "The God of Small Feasts" (essay) 2004 Monsoon Diary: A Memoir with Recipes. columnist Mint Lounge Indian business daily, The National newspaper U.A.E.
218 terrifying airport shuttle: pickpockets, muggers, drug addicts
219 Quatrina Hosain Dickinson House Seema in hysterics: ground floor . . . stories about American muggers Harriet . . . not used to volatile displays of emotion [Dom Cult] lifetime of proving myself equal to any boy room spacious, linen > warm nightgown x cotton clothes
219-20 study whatever (class: x-vocation)
220 a tabula rasa, eager to learn American as vast, noisy metropolis Everything new cleaning lady drove a Cadillac (cf. 221) x Ayal, who came by foot x-haggle strangers smiled and said hello. Nobody littered, spit, or cursed. [so there is a code of manners even within freedom?] dizzying array of food . . . overwhelmed by choices impatience
220-1 not used to choosing something and having it lead to another choice
221 Japanese student: rice & salty muso: first lesson in globalism host family [mixed metaphor] essentials I didn't realize were essential great, sprawling shopping mall; Elizabeth Arden makeup box Mary church and part-time work; Doug bank + Cadillac (cf. 220)
222 Margie Peace Corps beans for me, Chicken for them American family life, the soap and suds of it smelled of linen and rose potpourri classes: fantasies come true thrill of creation
223 mine. Gloriously, totally mine Threater class: Ayckbourn, Medea, O'Neill and Shakespeare girl had to work hard to gain trust professors displayed faith in our abilities without a hint of condescension
224 loved power tools myself in a mirror . . . a space alien . . . Superman . . . Superwoman rich, poor, or middle class? India . . . stereotype
224-5 My ideas of beauty were different from theirs.
225 no prejudice . . . didn't know enough x-peers > simply me . . . Shoba the student enamored of America's newness, espansive embrace approach total strangers women, not girls long dinners and lunches . . . learned aobut the country American holidays, baseball
226 proud people, New Englanders, directness uencumbered by eons of tradition representative of my country working kitchen at Rockefeller cafeteria
227 let me stay away from the meat fare from around world -- all but meat always returned to Indian food yogurt rice [fnf] > 228 room thinking about Uma
228 [scene > Blue Light story] story never ended . . . we simply grew up
228-9 finished play started at WCC, accepted
229 melodramatic tragedy cf. Indian movies [Bollywood] They thought it was satire critical faculties underdeveloped Fridays dorms dozens of parties
230 Natasha > frat party nob on rampage . . . terrified
231 realized I wouldn't get assaulted at Mount Holyoke encountered feminism for first time Frances Perkins Scholars . . . older women about choice and freedom x-defer to a man [meritocracy[ I came from a society in which women deferred to men in public but ruled the roost in private anger . . . comparing . . . women in my family
232 mother x-anger, x as free rules and tradition, vision of herself ought to act their age [America as youth culture, infantilism] Was it better to question and overghrow the system as these women did or to navigate within its confines like my mother had done? first time asking those questions contradictions between my two cultures India's fatalism x America's flux Everyone was moving, searching, asking for more changing spouses, jobs, homes, sexes more choices, more search for something else Turkish cabbage dolma
233 Susan Smith, sprawling wooded estate < Whitney family father groundskeeper and manager tea at the owner's mansion Greek dorm mate . . . boisterous family . . . rice wrapped in grape leaves Greek salad Thanksgiving, colonial house, Winthrop and Muffy [Dom Cult] menu < Pilgrims in Boston so refined comapred to family feast in India relatives insulted, abused went off in huff nightly "Milk and Cookies" ritual
235 snowing, first time New England = white Christmas Madison Wi Ayesha, a girl from Pakistan, burgeioning international population
236 daughter of Turkish diplomat; Carlos, Mexico; Reza, Iranian; Emilie, Cameroon; Elizabeth, Ethiopia; Todd, English; Polish professors and Russian poets, Thai sciencists, Vietnamese musicians, Indian philosophers . . . homesickness < music from home countries [< fnf plotting >] intimacy, family, nostalgia NYC apt > new goldfish
237 cab driver from Kerala come to my house Claire squirmed . . . "Tell your friend to trust me . . . family temple"
238 first time at our house, must eat something sublime, memory of bus trips in Kerala
239 from my town . . . like a sister . . . x-$