(2016 premidterm assignment)

Model Student Pre-midterm answers 2016 (Index)

Essay 2: Personal / professional research topic proposal

LITR 4368
Literature of the Future  

Model Assignments


Timothy Morrow

All Lilies Wither: Analyzing Violence towards Women in Science Fiction

          From taking the course Literature of the Future so far, there seems to be an underlining theme that can be observed when reading the narratives so far. In The Parable of the Sower the protagonist Lauren observes the violent treatment of women around her, being murdered and raped and sometimes both. In “Stone Lives,” the character June Tannhauser is instantly sexualized from the main protagonist; seeming like her only purpose being to feed his sexual desires and in the end is murdered without reason. In Genesis, Eve is firstly declared a product made from man, and thus under his rule, and later in the story is deemed the person responsible for the fall of man. These examples stated above among many other yet shown make it clear that when concerning Narratives of the Future, the future doesn’t seem bright for the ending of violence towards women. As an English Major who is currently working on also achieving a certificate in Women’s studies, the treatment of women within literature is very important and should be an aspect well studied. Years from now, when I become an English professor, I hope to be able to apply the knowledge of women in literature, as well as in Narratives of the future in the classroom to bring to light the issues of violence toward women in the real world as well as within literature.