(2016 premidterm assignment)

Model Student Midterm answers 2016 (Index)

Essay 1: Compare, contrast, and evaluate Narratives of the Future

LITR 4368
Literature of the Future  

Model Assignments


Christa Van Allen

Telling Tales of Tomorrow

          Literature of the Future is one of the strangest, but most engaging classes I have ever had the pleasure to participate in, and the primary narratives lend themselves to that excitement. So far we have had extensive discussions on Creation/Apocalypse, and Evolution Narratives, with Alternative Future lessons soon to follow. Time has always fascinated humankind and so, along with fantasy, time tasking stories continue to grow in popularity. I think that this may be due to the natural allure of the unknown.

          Of the narratives so far discussed I find myself less assured in the Creation/Apocalypse genre. The linear pattern is understandable and expectant because of the comparatively short scale, roughly 6,000 to 10,000 years, but the overarching ether and old English writing has caused me to stumble over interpretations. Ironically because the story of Adam and Eve is so simple, I feel like we’re not being told the whole story, and I’m left with questions. It is perhaps put best within Jesus’ words during the ‘Little Apocalypse’, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away”. Words need not change to have their meanings transform.

          I believe that despite its necessity for a longer time scale up in the billions of years, evolution narratives devote more time to slow progression and explanation, complex enough that questions are answered immediately or through patience. Because it relies on a theory of change, Narratives that follow this way of storytelling can acknowledge possible theories and transformations or even admit when they are wrong. The dog-eat-dog, and adaptable ideology of Darwin are well-known in modern society, so it is fairly reasonable to presume their continued use in future narratives of various genres. One can even argue, that the bible itself incorporates some ideals of evolution, as Melissa Holesovsky, mentioned in her 2015 midterm submission, “Though the book of Genesis begins with the inspiring story of creation, the expulsion of Adam and Eve resulting in their “rebirth” as worldly beings is both apocalyptic and evolutionary”.