Midterm2 Samples 2015

(midterm2 assignment)

Index to Model Answers to Part 1. Genre Definition 2.

Part 1. Continue genre definition and example(s) from Midterm1: Using the Introduction to Genres page, redevelop / revise and extend your "working definition" of genre in all three categories (Subject / Audience, Formal, Narrative) and use them to analyze the genre of your choice you began in Midterm1. Cite, explain, and analyze two or more examples of your genre from your reading, viewing, or listening experience and  and 2 research sources from course website or beyond. (total length: 6-8 paragraphs, 3+ double-spaced page equivalent)

Authors & titles:

Stephanie Ali, Genres Come in All Shapes and Sizes

Deric Anderson, The Triumph of Dark Comedy

Alejandra Ayala, The “Happily Ever After” Genre

Karissa Guerrero, Genres: The Reality We Search for Through Entertainment

Shelby Hollen, Comedy for all personalities

Kaitlin Jaschek, Genre: Where Invisible Lines Cross

Fariha Khalil, What is Genre?

Nona Olivarez, Genre: More Blurred Lines than a Robin Thicke Song

Sarah Robin Roelse, “Oh! The Horror!”

Victoria Webb, Mixing Genres: A little Humor in Everything