American Immigrant Literature
Course Objectives

Objective 4. To identify the United States' “dominant culture” to which immigrants assimilate.

  • This objective tries to answer, “What kind of culture do immigrants assimilate to?”
  • This subject is so big and familiar that it resists identification and analysis. Therefore this objective concentrates on another variation of the immigrant narrative termed “National migration.”
  •         Unlike the normal immigration pattern of individuals or families immigrating with intentions or expectations of assimilating to their new home, some groups immigrate as communities with the intention of not assimilating.

  •         These groups may be identified by religion, but religion interwoven with all aspects of community, including economics and ethnic relations.

  •         Some of these groups may become the dominant culture of a nation or area.

Examples / texts for dominant culture study in Immigrant Literature

Proper spelling of a single word won't make or break your semester, but it really helps your instructor-grader's mood if you don't spell "dominant culture" as "dominate culture."

"dominant culture" is right.

"dominate culture" is wrong.