2016 Midterm2 (assignment)

to Sample Student Midterm2 Answers (alphabetical order)

Part 1: Essays on New World Immigrants

LITR 4340    
American Immigrant Literature
Model Assignments


Chandler Barton, Brave New World: The Hispanic, Central/South American & Afro-Caribbean Narrative

Amber Boone, New World Immigrants: Blurring the Lines

Austin Green, New World Culture Clash

Trey Kibodeaux, Dividing the Dominant Culture: Traditionalists, Individualists, and the New World Immigrant

Kimberly Loza, The Mixture of the New World Immigrant and the Minority

Katie Morin, The New World Narrative: An Immigrant-Minority Hybrid

Jennifer Robles, The Dominant Culture Perspective: Visions of Ellis Island

Christina Maria Sapp, Uniqueness of Being Caught Between Immigrant and Minority

Zach Thomas, “Un-American” Americans