| LITR 4333: American
Immigrant Literature Poetry
presentation: Patricia Smith, “Blonde White
Women,” UA 77 *** Poetry
presentation: Chrystos, “I Have Not Signed a Treaty with the United States
Government,” UA 304 *** Poetry
presentation: Martin Espada, “Coca-Cola and Coco Frio,” UA 124 *** Poetry
presentation: Pat Mora, “Immigrants,” UA
119 **** Poetry
presentation: Nellie Wong, “When I was Growing
Up,” UA 55 *** Poetry
presentation: Shirley Geok-lin Lim, “Father from Asia,” UA
19 **** Poetry
presentation: Chitra
Banerjee Divakaruni, “Restroom,” UA
21-23 *** Poetry
presentation: Louis Simpson, “A Story about Chicken Soup,” UA 245 *** Poetry
presentation: Gregg Shapiro, “Tattoo,” UA
34-5 *** Poetry
presentation: Gregory Djanikian, “In the
Elementary School Choir,” UA 215 *** Poetry
presentation: Michael S. Glaser, “Preparations
for Seder,” UA 176 *** Poetry
presentation: Enid Dame, “On the Road to
Damascus, Maryland,” UA 141 *** Poetry
presentation: Lyn Lifshin, “Being Jewish in a Small Town,” UA 144 ***