LITR 5535: American Romanticism

Index to Student Midterm Submissions 2006

copy of midterm assignment

Kristen Bird, "The Idealization and Heroism of Women in Romantic Literature"

Marion Carpenter, "Romantic Spirit: Externalizing the Internal"

Andrew Coleman, "The American Romantic Spirit:  Man Becoming a Part of Nature"

Angela Douglas, "The Spirit of the True American Romantic Heroine"

Anuruddha Ellakkala, "Revolutionary Gothic Elements: Three American Romantic Writers"

Cindy L.Goodson, "Romanticism: Expressions of the Sublime and the Gothic"

Ashley Huff, "Gothic Nature"

Devon Kitch, "The Romanticized American Identity: Moral / Spiritual vs. Sensory / Materialistic"

Nguyen Le, "The sublime: an essential and interesting aspect of American Romanticism"

Gordon Lewis, "The Romantic Spirit of America"

Sharon Lockett, "The Sublime:  A Coveted Escape from Reality"

Leigh Ann Moore, "The American Gothic"

Aaron Morris, "Encountering the Sublime Wilderness"

Bonnie Napoli

George Otis, "'Roots Vibration': Early American Texts and Cooper"

Diane Palmer, "Breaking the Mold: Romanticism and the Creation of the Super Mom"

Corey Porter, "Eighteen of Nineteen: How Cooper Fails to Express the Sublimity of Nature"

Crystal Reppert, "Romanticism as Racial Justification"

Brouke M. Rose-Carpenter, "Striving for Perfection"

Jo Lynn Sallee, "Desire and Loss Portrayed Through the Timeless Language of Nature"

Tish Wallace, "Gothic Wilderness: An Analogy to American Experience"

Chris Wissel, "Reason is Not Enough: Romanticism's Emergence in Colonial America"

Bill Wolfe, "A Unique Canvas: The American Romantic Landscape"