4232: American Renaissance
of Houston-Clear Lake, spring 2002
to Student Research Proposals
Click on the links below to view proposals
made by students for their required research projects, followed by the
instructor's comments. The brief descriptions in the index below are extracted
from the more detailed proposals you will find through the links. (Links are
complete when details follow the student's name.)
Candy Berry, journal on abolition, slave
narratives, and antebellum women's movements
Ronda C. Dunn, essay on women in Uncle Tom's
Diana Ellis-Smith, essay or journal on slave
Lori Gouner, essay on the individual and nature
in Emerson, Thoreau, and Douglass
Jennifer Laubach, essay on knowledge and sin in
three Hawthonre short stories
Elizabeth W. Little, essay on Dickinson and
Thoreau as nature writers
Michael Luna, journal on the Gothic then and now
Leigh Ann Moore, essay on women in Uncle
Tom's Cabin
Sheri O'Rourke, Essay or journal on the sublime
and other elements in Poe
Kate Payne, journal on the rise of women writers
in the American Renaissance
Angie Rau, essay on the sublime & gothic in
Poe, Douglass, & Stowe
Terri St. John, essay on Transcendentalism and
American Indian beliefs
Robin P. Stone, journal on New Historicism or
the Concord Circle
Diane Tincher, essay or journal on Emerson and
Brenda Upton, journal on Transcendentalism
Megan Yeates, essay on Stowe & her life
compared to other women writers