LITR 4328 American Renaissance / Model Assignments

2016 final examIndex to Sample Answers
(final exam assignment)

(all listings in alphabetical order)

Essay A: mid-length essay from A1 or A2

A1. Review & prioritize your learning in American Renaissance

A1. Review & prioritize your learning in American Renaissance . . .

Austin Green, Ready, Set, Go

Kimberly Hall, Reflections on the American Renaissance

Eric Howell, The Absolute Diversity of the American Renaissance

Clark Omo, The Foundation of the Temple

Laura Elizabeth Wilson, The American Romantic from a British Romantic

A1. OR describe your learning about Romanticism as a term or concept . . .

A2. Mid-length essay on 1 or 2 terms or subjects: 

Adrian Russell, Religious Literature or References

Essay B:  essay on Poe, Whitman, and Dickinson.

   (continued > > >)

Austin Green, Perfect Strangers

Kimberly Hall, Poetry In Motion: The Inconsistency of American Renaissance Poetry

Eric Howell, American Romanticism: The Poetic Three

Clark Omo, The Poetry Triangle: Comparing Whitman, Poe, and Dickinson

Cassandra Waggett, Poe, Dickinson and Whitman: Exemplars of Form and Style


Essay C: One (1) long essay
from C1, C2, C3, C4, or C5
(6-9 paragraphs)



C1. Variations on the Gothic.

Adrian Russell, The Evolution of Gothic American Literature: A Journey Through the Dark

Clark Omo, Examining the Darkness

Cassandra Waggett, Variations of the Gothic: Exploring Morality, Gender and Grief

Laura Elizabeth Wilson, The Gothic: American Tragedies

C2. Literature & Morality. C2. Literature & History.
C4. Classic, Popular, & Representative Literature

Austin Green, Classifying the Canon

Kimberly Hall, There Is No Box: Thoughts on Classic, Popular, and Representative Literature

C5. Romanticism & Realism.

Eric Howell, The Cycle of Romanticism and Realism