LITR 3731 Creative
Thursday, 12 November: Fiction workshop + discussion of reading assignments Reading assignment: Three Genres, ch. 22 (pp. 238-246) Reading highlight: Karina Ramos 1st Fiction Author: Jeff Derrickson 1st fiction Author’s Discussion Leader: Amanda Pruett 2nd Fiction Author: Jennifer M. Leonard 2nd fiction Author’s Discussion Leader: Jackie Baker & Alicia Costello Thursday, 19 November: Fiction workshop + discussion of reading assignments 1st Fiction Author: Naomi Gonzales 1st fiction Author’s Discussion Leader: Ryan Smith 2nd Fiction Author: Christi Wood 2nd fiction Author’s Discussion Leader: J J Torres Thursday, 26 November: No meeting--Thanksgiving holidays 1 October-3 December: The following students are required to do Draft Exchanges for their fiction manuscripts: Marcus Austin, Niki Bippen, Alicia Costello, Tara McGee, Veronica Nadalin, J J Torres Thursday, 3 December: Last fiction workshop + discussion of final exam Fiction final submissions & revision accounts due by noon Monday 7 December 1st Fiction Author: Amanda Pruett (extra time for final submission) 1st fiction Author’s Discussion Leader: Jeff Derrickson + Roundtable discussion of final exams: each student discusses emphases or asks questions on assignments. Thursday, 10 December: Final Exam
ch. 22: Dialogue & Thoughts (pp.
238-246); 238 x-dialogue > informal essay reveal character advance plot 238 analyze, eavesdrop x-tape recording phatic speech = sociability, x-info 239 conventions of fictional dialogue and thoughts 239 conventions of dialogue dialogue tag “s/he said” okay repeatedly 240 alternatives become obtrusive tone clear from dialogue itself 240 x-phonetic spelling—slows pace, draws attention to itself, patronizing regional flavor < word choice and characteristic phrasing 240 if stops advancing plot or advancing understanding of speaker > paraphrase 241 paraphrase events not central to story 241 indirect quotations in conjunction with direct quotations 241 illusion of thoughts 242 descriptive passage but not objective 243 thoughts, like dialogue, have to be motivated by situation x-exposition, background facts 243 illusion of a foreign language 244 word order that is characteristic of that language cf. Hemingway Pacing: Maintaining forward motion 244 thumb through without reading 245 speech patterns: character and mood 245 people with consistently distinctive speech patterns are a minority 245 calm, reflective mood < longer sentences, grammatical moments of crisis < dialogue becomes fragmentary, abrupt, and frequently redundant