Characters (roughly in order of appearance) Offred Aunt Lydia Commander (i.e. "Fred") Serena Joy, the Commander's Wife, birth name: Pam Rita and Cora, "Marthas" Luke Nick Ofglen Moira Janine "she," Offred's lost daughter
Terms / Glossary / Allusions 218 Balm / Bomb in Gilead: rare perfume mentioned in Bible, named for region now in Jordan 303 "emotion recollected, if not in tranquility, at least post facto": paraphrase of "Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility," from William Wordsworth, Preface to Lyrical Ballads (1800) 117 "From each one according to her ability; to each one according to his needs."<--"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs," from Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Program (1875) "gravid smell of earth and grass" (111): gravid = pregnant, heavy with child "greatly multiply thy sorrows and thy conceptions" (114): Genesis 3.16. [Yahweh speaks to Eve as he drives her and Adam from Eden:] Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children. Libertheos ): (p. 25: ) Liberation Theology, Marxist-influenced theology ascendant in Latin America, 1960s-80s. Lily of the Valley perfume (p. 80): name taken from the Bible's Song of Solomon 2:1: "I am the rose of Sharon, the lily of the valley." Also the name of a popular Christian hymn written in the 1870s for the Salvation Army by Charles W. Fry (1837-1882), who with his family started the Salvation Army's first brass band. 80 marquetry end table: marquetry refers to veneer or thin pieces of wood applied decoratively to cabinets, tables, or chairs; for illustrations, see Marthas: in the Bible's Gospel of Luke (10: 38-42), Jesus visits the home of sisters Mary and Martha, where Mary sits at his feet to learn while Martha remains busy in the kitchen. Therefore the Republic of Gilead assigns some women to be "Marthas," i.e. cooks or kitchen workers. In the home represented in Handmaid's Tale, the two Marthas who work in the kitchen are Cora and Rita. Merry Widow (242): a plumed hat, popularized by actress Lily Elsie in the title role of the operetta The Merry Widow (1908). See Nolite te bastardes carborundum (first on p. 52; interpreted on p. 187) 120 You were a wanted child . . . pronatalist: Pronatalism or Natalism promotes childbearing as beneficial to society and human survival; Antinatalism assigns a negative evaluation to procreation and birth. Quakers (pp. 83 et passim) (follow link to summary of Quakers or "Society of Friends," a pacifist, social-justice Christian church) Rachel, Leah, & Bilbab (p. 88, et passim) In the Bible's Genesis 29, Rachel was the Jewish patriarch Jacob's second but favorite wife; Leah, Rachel's sister, was Jacob's first wife; Rachel, unlike Leah, was infertile and gave Jacob her maidservant Bilhah as a surrogate mother. After Bilhah gave birth to two sons, Rachel conceived Joseph, who became the next leader of the Jewish people. 300 Sumptuary Laws [sumptuary = pertaining to or regulating expenditure] Les Sylphides (p. 70): a 1909 ballet blanc—a dance scene in which dances wear all white dresses or tutus—choreographed in 1909 by Michel Fokine with music by Frederic Chopin orchestrated by Alexander Glazunov. A sylphide (French) is a young sylph or ethereal spirit, or in transferred meaning a young, graceful girl. 119 I see my mother . . . Take Back the Night: international event and non-profit organization with the mission of ending sexual, relationship, and domestic violence in all forms Early Take Back the Night events include a protest in San Francisco against pornography in 1978. One of the first "Take Back the Night" marches was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in October 1975, after the murder of a microbiologist, Susan Alexander Speeth, who was stabbed to death while walking home alone.
168 cf. Tibetan prayer wheels
46 true shape of things to come [allusion to title of H.G. Wells novel, 1933]
Possible historical references from 1980s p. 83 anchorman cf. Pres. Ronald Reagan (1981-89): elderly patriarchal figure who assures that secure traditional past will return if disturbances repressed p. 121 a backlash. History will absolve me: popular term for 1980s social reaction against feminism and for traditional family values, later codified by Susan Faludi's nonfiction Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women (1991).
Comparison with The Dispossessed 14 what did I have to trade? [cf. Shevek] 20 youngest most dangerous. They haven't yet learned about existence through time. 31 The Wall 47 hands empty, full 56-7 newspaper stories like bad dreams . . . too melodramatic (cf. Birdseed) 72 Janine: self-criticism sessions; cf. Dispossessed, Tirin 268 What did I have to give? . . . not munificent but thankful; beggar's knock
General reading notes "Best lack all conviction" could be adaptive in boom-bust revenge cycles? review Parable of the Talents with Handmaid's Tale Utopias concern time, chronotope? both Atwood and Le Guin are poets, e.g. p. 39 Men's Salvagings [etc.] as public ceremony, spectacle challenge of narrative vs. mimetic detail Utopia as hope? You-hope-ia? 83 Resettlement of the Children of Ham question: reconcile urge to read as feminist text with utopia; the gazxe, the body dismembered Why important to acknowledge utopian dimensions of dystopia? (cf. Anthem) 119 some ideas sound, but Godless architecture question whether concern over births anticipates recent white panic over low white fertility rates and high fertility rates among immigrants, Muslims question: why book popular (e.g. sequels) Question on HT as dystopia--whole person divided, families separated reading or literacy as essential to utopia? > free exchange of thought 113 you are the shock troops . . . march out in advance [utopian vanguard] confiscate smartphones? utopia humanizes? dystopia dehumanizes? how much is self-reflection on language and feelings boomerish? Commander as human: she likes some things about him; he does terrible things utopias seem exotic, then see them everywhere, essential to social or cultural narratives; utopia / salvation necessary for most cultural narratives (romance) x-lecture: utopias like religion: prolific, long-winded, infinitely provisional limits of novel: privileges private over public population: if we won't solve it, it will solve itself Gretchen to visit for HT ? p. 237 dialogue as expository? > mimetic? (references to absent representations) + extend range of human; shared language; figuration human / humane as near absolute value (add to "human?") "Historical notes": cf. Always Coming Home, anthropology & Handmaid's Tale postscript is smell a counter-sense to male gaze? glossary: Argentina, adpotion of children of Disappeared Atwood, In Other Worlds
Reading notes Introduction xiii 1984 handwriting, manual typewriter; Iron Curtain spied on, silences, changes of subject, obligque conveying of information xiv sf, speculative fiction, utopias, dystopias sermonize, allegory, x-plausibility imaginary garden no imaginary gizmos Cambridge MS, Puritan theological seminary, Harvard Wall biblical precedent: 1 man, 4 women, 12 sons xv Handmaid's Tale < Cantebury Tales, fairy and folk tales 40+ languages, film, opera, ballet graphic novel, Hulu TV series cameo! slut-shaming of Janine xvi women gang up on each other, social media all pwoer relative "feminist" novel? not secondary players xvii anti-religion? totalitarian clothing [contrast Ecotopia, News from Nowhere] predition? > anti-prediction literature of witness 2 reading audiences: academic conference in future, recent American election
Night Ch 1 3 old sex . . . yearned for the future 4 blankets still said U.S. guards picked from Angels something exchanged, some deal, some trade-off still had our bodies Shopping Ch 2 7 the kind of touch they like: folk art, archaic, amde by women . . . no further use A return to traditional values 7 Aunt Lydia: cf. army 8 I intend to last . . . I am alive, live, breathe Aunt Lydia: not a prison but a privilege cf nunneries: bells, few mirrors red shoes, not for dancing white wings, x-seeing, being seen the room, x-my room, my 9 large, rich family color code for rank; Rita in Martha's dress the time before 10 the Colonies . . . the choice the Unwomen still real coffee mischief of bodies nod our heads as punctuation exchange remedies 11 [70s idiom] I hear where you're coming from an exchange, of sorts Marthas: unofficial news fraternize > sororize tokens with pictures for object of exchange Ch. 3 12 tulips read, darker crimson, cut, healing 12 garden domain of commander's wife order, maintain and care for (cf. Genesis) 13 Angels at the front lines cross and star pattern Why envy me? 13 unsure about our exact status a position of honor So, you're the new one 14 cigarettes from black market > hope no real money anymore 14 what did I have to trade? [cf. Shevek] 15 business transaction x-ma'am, not a Martha 16 wouldn't have liked her, nor she me voice of a doll they can hit us . . . scriptural precedent. One of the things we fought for [no divorce) TV: Growing Souls Gospel Hour, Serena Joy smile and cry at same time So it was worse than I thought.
Ch 4 17-18 Nick, no woman, not even one. Misfit, winks 18 What if I were to report him? . . . Perhaps he is an Eye. 18 Sidewalks kept much cleaner 19 Ofglen quietly ordodox, maybe a real believer war going well, defeated more of the rebels 20 Baptists false news . . . must mean something first barrier, red hexagon = stop lanterns, floodlights, machine guns, pillboxes Green uniforms of the Guardians of the Faith 20 youngest most dangerous. They haven't yet learned about existence through time. 21 passes inspected, stamped > Compucheck event, small defiance of rule . . . possibilities, peepholes never allowed solitude Commanders of the Faithful Salvagings, Prayvaganzas, Birthmobile 21-22 Black van with winged Eye 22 no more magazines, films Ch 5 23 Doubled, I walk the street 23 street in a model town . . . no children 23 heart of Gilead . . . Gilead is within you 23 no lawyers, university closed Luke and I . . . children, garden 24 stupid dresses: Econowives: not divided to functions, have to do everything, if they can woman in black a widow Women not protected then, couldn't run at night rules never spelled out but every woman knew laundromats: my own clothes, soap, money, control freedom to and freedom from 24-5 dress store, Lilies of the Field, letters painted out 25 women seemed able to choose society dying of too much choice Central America lost to Libertheos shopping, see someone knew from time before 26 vastly pregnant, a magic presence carrier of life, closer to death Compubite Humongous, word of my childhood [Bakhtin period-worldview] 27 not many things plastic 27 she [daughter] 27 tourists from Japan 28 women seem undressed, took so little time to change our minds 28 Westernized Modesty is invisibility To be seen is to be penetrated 29 smell of nail polish ch 6 30 We have a choice 30 thinking of past, pick out beautiful things, believe al like that Football stadium, Men's Salvagings 31 church museum; only more recent history offends them 31 The Wall 32 six more bodies hanging white coats, like doctors or scientists drawing of human fetus searched through hospital records . . . 33 informants, ex-nurses 33 two women required for evidence like war criminals, crimes retroactive made into examples time travelers, anachronisms ordinary is what you are used to Night ch 7 37 lie & lay . . . I lie, then, . . . plaster eye in ceiling Moira, purple, gold . . . beer . . . paper due PSYC, ENGL, ECON 38 date rape . . . borrowing $5 park with mother . . . women burning books, magazines [unforeseen consequences of limiting expression?] 39 still on fire, parts of women's bodies, turning to black ash I know I lost time Where is she? . . . with people who are fit I would like to believe this is a story I am telling . . . control over ending writing forbidden 40 telling [story] to someone . . . pretend you can hear me Waiting Room ch 8 43 weather is almost like June 43 three new bodies on wall 43 years ago, sect wars . . . Gender Treachery (purple) 43 May day 44 Mayday . . . help me 44 funeral [miscarriage] . . . Unbaby? hands over hearts . . . Econowives do not like us 45 "Under His Eye" . . . [poetic image] All flesh is weak > grass, I corrected her Serena Joy = Pam: x-singing > making speeches: women stay home 46 funny? > in earnest 46 Serena Joy become speechless 46 true shape of things to come [H.G. Wells allusion] defeated, unable 47 hands empty, full yeast, nostalgic, smell, kitchens, mothers [free association, poetry] all envy each other something 48 ain't like you're common . . . speak up 48 Dishtowels same, flashes of normality talking about me as though I can't hear, cf. 38 49 Commander, violating custom . . . something shown, but what is it? In my froom? I called it mine. ch 9 50 trying not to tell stories, or this one 50 someone has lived in this room, before me Luke in flight from his wife 51 Loved me? just an affair? thought we had problems. How know we were happy? like something you'd make up 52 Old love cf. p. 3 old sex 52 these attacks of the past What is to be done? Nolite te bastardes carborundum a message in writing, forbidden by that very fact imagine the woman, turn her into Moira 53 which one? a grapevine, an underground of sorts ch 10 54 Amazing Grace, Heartbreak Hotel outlawed 56 Moira underwhore party 56 Is that how we lived then? . . . by ignoring Nothing changes instantaneously 56-7 newspaper stories like bad dreams . . . too melodramatic (cf. Birdseed) 57 We were the people who were not in the papers. Commander silverhaired. The one before this was bald, so I suppose he's an improvement. 58 coed dorms reveerted ch 11 59 doctor's office, Compudoc 59 nurse with pistol 60 snake and sword, broken bits of symbolism from time before 60 doctor x-see face; torso only 60 tic of speech from the other time 60 I could help you . . . never know it isn't his. 61 old guys can't make it, or sterile (forbidden word); only women fruitful or barren generic term: we are all honey shipped to Colonies, Unwoman. None of this is said, but knowledge of his power the choice that terrifies me. A way out, a salvation ch 12 62 bath a requirement, also a luxury 62 St. Paul: hair long or a close shave 63 nakedness shameful, immodest x-look at body, determines me so completely she's there with me eleven months old, a woman stole her out of supermarket cart both of us had jobs Luke at meat counter, some differences, studies said 63-4 her baby, the Lord gave it her, sent a sign 64 ghost of dead girl; x-things, x-attached to material world Blessed are meek, x-inherit easier to think dead; no hope, wasted effort puritan aids (brush, pumice) 65 tattoo on ankle, eye + four digits, reverse passport a national resource that film about the women kneeling in the square some of what we uised to call privacy left ways of making her resentments felt a worthy vessel 66 wonder how she [Serena Joy] manages to get herself noticed. my self a thing I must compose a made thing, not something born V. Nap Ch 13 69 spare time, harems, boredom, erotic 69 pig balls, pig marketers 70 caged rats, pigeons Domestic Science room, Les Sylphides pill or drug in food to keep us calm Moira to gymnasium 71 Testifying. Janine gangraped at 14 72 Janine: self-criticism sessions; cf. Dispossessed, Tirin You are an example [utopia] 72 nakedness of men's lives 73 public display of privates, flashin gof a badge 73 blood - expectations of others become my own my body : instrument of pleasure, transportation, will > womb [dream of apartment and Luke] running with her . . . being carried away VI. Household ch 14 79 as if I'm a piece of furniture 79 sitting room subdued, symmetrical; shape money takes when it freezes 80 passing paintings off as ancestors 80 Serena Joy's tastes: hard lust for quality; soft sentimental cravings 80 marquetry end table Lily of the Valley perfume 81 Commander head of the household all need to be here, the Ceremony demands it 82[flowers =] genital organs of plants TV: gospel, preacher cf. businessman news could be faked; read beneath it Appalachian Highlands: Angles of the Apocalypse x Baptist guerillas 83 anchorman cf. Reagan heretical sect of Quakers 83 Resettlement of the Children of Ham 84 [memory] another name the little girl who is now dead . . . going on a picnic 85 forged passports, x-pay in $, Compucount Don't think that way, Moira said. Think that way and you'll make it happen ch 15 86 Commander black uniform 87 Bible locked up, read to but we cannot read To be a man, watched by women, must be entirely . . . 87-8 the stub of himself, his extra, sensitive thumb, tentacle 88 a darkness composed of women hell just fine to be a man like that . . . very silent 88 he has the word. How we squandered it, once. 88 Rachel, Leah, & Bilbab 89 sin of reading Blessed are the silent. Scripture made up, left out 90 smell of her crying Nolite te bastardes carborundum . . . 91 Moira beaten; feet and hands not essential ch 16 94 What he is fucking is the lower part of my body 94 x-a lot of choice but some, and this is what I chose 95 not recreation, serious business smells ch 17 96 only the insides of our bodies important 96 decree of the wives, x-attractive 97 touched again, in love or desire a wishing moon to be held and told my name . . . I repeat my former name 98 someone in the room, behind me VII. Night ch 18 103 nobody dies from lack of sex . . . lack of love 106 She'll remember us and we will be all three of us together contradictory way of believing VIII. Birth Day ch 19 one of my homes (dreaming) 109 mother stays home from work [private-public conflict] sanity a valuable possession, save it [for] when the day comes 114 [free association] [words] None of these facts has any connection with the others . . . litanies I use to compose myself 114 what God must look like: an egg the minimalist life 111 a familiar the siren 111 gravid smell of earth and grass red Birthmobile . . . Ofwarren 112 Unbaby? (chances 1 in 4) Whatever it is must be carried to term 112 air, toxic molecules, fatty cells myself, my body, skeleton to an election exploding atomic power plants, San Andreas Fault mutant syphilis 113 you are the shock troops . . . march out in advance [utopian vanguard] graph population birthrate, past zero line of replacement no future? excuse . . . sluts habits of former times lavish, decadent, immoral pathos of all vanished civilizations no dates after mid-80s; schools closed, lack of children 114 some masculine pursuit (read) no anesthetics . . . greatly multiply thy sorrows and thy conceptions blue Birthmobile, for Wives 115 No Agent Orange in her family. [anachronism[ Janine thinks of nothing ch 20 116 pig out [70s] 116 master bedroom, good name 117 she's one of us . . . this district 117 From each one according to her ability; to each one according to his needs.--St. Paul? a transitional generation > no memories movies 118 projection equipment . . . old porno films . . . woman cut to pieces Unwoman documentary 119 some ideas sound, but Godless 119 I see my mother . . . Take Back the Night 120 pro-choice slogans 120 You were a wanted child . . . pronatalist 121 What use man? 121 a backlash. History will absolve me. women's lives, bodies Luke cooks model offspring, incarnation of her ideas I want her, everything back . . . no point in this wanting ch 21 123 smell of our own, flesh, organic . . . smell of matrix 124 Alma 124 Identify with your body 125 spiked the grape juice Commander's Wife behind Janine on Birthing Stool 126 Angela 127 [sympathetic lactation] Mother, you wanted a woman's culture. [satire?] ch 22 128 hats like an idea of paradise 129 story of Moira < alliances Aunts allowed to read and write 132 Moira marched straight out . . . And disappeared. taste for freedom, finding walls secure. Moira our fantasy ch 23 134 a reconstruction 134 man reading . . . never subjected to temptation you must forgive, a man, as a woman 135 Commander: kiss me 136 illegal to be alone with Commander two-legged wombs a small crack in the wall 137 Computalk, pen-holder set, papers books . . . an oasis of the forbidden Hello . . . old form of greeting 138 Scrabble! 139 like being on a date, conspiracy IX Night ch 24 143 [aphorism] You can think clearly only with your clothes on. 143 perspective, 3-D x face smashed up against a wall live in moment, x-where I want to be Time's a trap thirty-three years old, brown hair, 5-7, viable ovaries, one last chance But something has changed, tonight. 144 I can ask for something [exchange] Men are sex machines documentary (Holocaust) 146 invent a humanity for anyone at all unbutton . . . broken . . . noise inside body, broken place Nolite te bastardes carborundum X Soul Scrolls ch 25 151 Cora: one of the early signs 152 We for me, a link between us 153 she shears 153 something subversive about this garden of Serena's; a sense of buried things bursting upwards [aphorism] Whatever is silenced will clamor to be heard, though silently. Tennyson garden 153 Rendezvous, terraces, sibilants run up my spine metamorphosis run wild 154 an arrangement . . . the signal is Nick The difficulty is the wife, as always. [humor? sarcasm?] Marthas x-retire, not many old women anymore 155 a bargain < terms of exchange 156 a little present, a women's magazine, Vogue [est. 1892] 157 What was in them was promise Having broken the main taboo, why hesitate over a minor one? images of my childhood: bold, striding 158 dangerous in hands of multitudes too banal to be true some hand lotion? 159 ? I could have slapped him truly ignorant of the real conditions under which we lived only a whim Ch. 26 160 pretend not to be present, in the flesh 161 like being on an operating table no longer a thing . . . it complicates [dehumanization] taken something from Serena Joy 162 now had power over her 162 women will all live in harmony together [utopia] 162 when the population level is up Women united for a common end [utopia] 163 each performing her appointed task a little garden for each one of you fact is, I'm his mistress happier than before, something to do To him I am not entirely empty. ch 27 164 sea fisheries defunct all extinct like the whales? 165 Ofglen less passive, melancholy 166 Women's Salvagings store known as Soul Scrolls, franchise 167 Holy Rollers . . . print prayers, ordered by Compuphone Offred, Ofglen into each other's eyes . . . risk 168 Do you think God listens to those machines? 168 cf. Tibetan prayer wheels I thought you were a true believer You can join us . . . 169 Us? . . . we. 169 hope is rising . . . an opening 170 something sharp and brutal without relief: it wasn't me ch. 28 172 first job . . . worked a computer in an insurance company 172 [realism] cockroaches, dripping sink, linoleum 172 Moira: create Utopia by shutting herself up in a woman-only enclave 173 new apartment, job in a library transferring books to computer discs jobs / Book of Job paper money > plastic cards > Compubank 174 after the catastrophe, shot president, machine-gunned Congress blamed on Islamic fantatics you and me up against the wall 174 newspapers censored, shut down Identipasses Pornomarts shut [no internet] It's high time . . . 175 children . . . disappearances man replaces woman, inequality not valid 176 Not fired. Let go 177we deserved it? 178 Compucards with F frozen . . . push a few buttons [fragility, vulnerability of advanced technology] Women can't hold property anymore 179 transfer account to Luke 179 I'll go underground Luke patronizing some other army 180 couldn't tell who was doing it x-free assembly more housework, more baking careful to exchange nothing porn riots, abortion riots 181 I wanted from her a life more ceremonious mother-daughter not ideal, worked out well enough Body language Everyone's on the take 182 [Luke] doesn't mind this. Not each other's. I am his. ch. 29 184 Commander positively daddyish 184 What would you like to do tonight? 185 exchange with Ofglen market research, a scientist Nolite te bastardes carborundum. Write it down. 186 Pen is envy Not real Latin . . . a joke same ink as hair on Venus: Nolite te bastardes carborundum 187 Don't let the bastards grind you down. She hanged herself. Serena found out. If my life is bearable, maybe what we're doing is all right after all 188 I have something on him now. I would like to know . . . What's going on VI. Night ch 30 191 scent, night-blooming flowers 192 cannot be exchanged aphorism Moira: can't help what you feel, can help how you behave 192-3 create an it M kill [dehumanize / objectify] 193 the Eyes of God 194 wanted us to look like something Anglo-Saxon 195 [70s jargon] ripped off XII Jezebel's ch 31 191 x-Fourth of July; Labor Day for mothers 199 tell time by the moon; Lunar, not Solar. [feminist symbolism] 200 Jews > Sons of Jacob. Choice: convert or emigrate to Israel 201 Amputated speech Moira grudge-holding against past 202 password: Mayday . . . networks. Networking 204 Maybe he can't. God or the Commander? Heresy either way. 206 something you want . . . a picture ch 32 209 Radio Free American < Cubans . . . universal daycare 210 [Commander] way up there, the very top 210 main problem with men. Nothing to work, fight for. 211 We thought we could do better . . . Better never means better for everyone. It always means worse, for some. [utopia] ch 33 2112 from a distance: picturesque 213 off to the Prayvaganza 213 God is a national resource 214 exchange news more freely Janine paired with new woman; "a shredder after all" 215 She thinks it's her fault. they don't have the same feelings we do. [dehumanization / objectification] people will do anything rather than admit their lives have no meaning. No use . . . No plot. 216 right back here. You aren't there anymore. That's all gone. ch 34 218 Balm / Bomb in Gilead 219 [public spectacle, ceremony] [utopia] marriages encouraged, by mothers Do they remember? Commander: given more than taken away This way they all get a man Money was the only measure of worth. [utopia / dystopia] 220 Those years an anomaly . . . return to Nature's norm women's Prayvaganzas for group weddings; men's for military victories ceremony: renounce celibacy, sacrifice for common good an odor of witch [confusion over gender ID?] 221 Genesis! . . . saved by childbearing Angels will qualify for Handmaids . . . but you girls are stuck 222 cameraderie among women power in whispering obscenities about those in power 223 find out and tell us . . . anything you can ch 35 224 unfamiliar uniforms 225 falling in love . . . the way you understood yourself We were falling women. God is love, but we reversed that. 226 precautions like prayers 227 change was for the better always a refugee from the past 228 a Polaroid print . . . network of Marthas white dress . . . I am not there ch 36 229 everying this evening is little . . . diminish things, myself included 229 He prefers me frivolous 230 [sexy lingerie] [public humiliation] black market an enticement in this thing 231 subverts perceived respectable order of things [Bakhtin carnival] 232 Nick: both invisible, functionaries 233 an evening rental ch 37 234-5 men in uniform, women all kinds 235 melange, whatever scrounce or salvage [tradition?] Joy? Have they chosen? Like walking into the past . . . but the mix is different truants; official creed denies them 236 keep your mouth shut and look stupid 236 showing off, demonstrating his mastery of the world feet tired . . . grateful [human as exchange, shared subjectivity] men not homogeneous [human?] 237 Everyone's human, after all. You can't cheat Nature . . . demands variety for men . . . typo than > that procreational strategy Nature's plan He says this as if he believes it. irony, but he doesn't acknowledge it. [x-human] really like to talk with the women only for officers [military as utopian organization] Who are these people? . . . I mean the women. quite a collection 238 Sociologist, or was. Lawyer. Executive. Then I see her. Moira. 239 [Playboy Bunny] She sees me. . . . Oour old signal 240 show the tag . . . know you're taken ch 38 241 rest area, mirror 242 like the Whore of Babylong . . . supposed to? You pick that out? . . . thought it was me Merry Widow [characterization, Moira] 244 [Moira's account] I've tried to make it sound as much like her as I can [confession] 245 Q for Quaker 246 Underground Femaleroad 248 Colonies burn dead bodies; toxic dumps and radiation spills old women, a quarter men (Gender Traitor) 249 Nobody in here with viable ovaries indifference, lack of volition Butch paradise 250 I'd like to tell a story . . . don't know how she ended ch 39 251 Bathroom as retreat [utopia]--disinfectant, isolation feel comforted 252 saw your mother in that film that jauntiness 253 don't call the police sweeping up deadly toxins the way they used to use up old women, in Russia, sweeping dirt 254 Why bring me here? ownership, experiment You said you wanted to know XIII. Night ch 40 259 heat lightning, phosphorescence, infrared [science fiction] 259 smell of it or him either [i.e., they did it] blue shape, red shape, eye of mirror, myself, my obverse (poet) 260 whispering, as if she is one of us storm's moving closer sex, unobserved 261 punctuation thunder love, I'm alive in my skin again I made that up . . . what really happened 262 acknowledgement both acting no romance = no heroics [romance genre!] 263 no thunder . . . made up a reconstruction: the way love feels like to be without shame, ignorant XIV. Salvaging ch 41 267 wish story were different 267 so much else getting in way: gossip, secrecy then red events pain in story, fragments, like body caught in crossfire or pulled apart hurts me to tell it over . . . but keep on going 268 future, heaven, prison, underground: some other place I tell, therefore you are 268 What did I have to give? . . . not munificent but thankful beggar's knock benevolence & luck 269 safety, a cave 270 talk too much, tell him my real name x-word love = romance, bad luck Don't change anything 271 hand on my belly. It's happened. We could get you out. I no longer want to leave, escape ashamed and pride; cf. war stories, seriousness cf. settlers' wives and women who survived wars Humanity is so adaptable Ofglen giving up on me ch 42 272 in case of hysteria . . . a district Salvaging, for women only 272 always segregated 273 Women's Salvagings less frequen, so well behaved 273 long rope smells of tar 273 two Handmaids, one Wife 274 two Salvagers and Aunt Lydia 275 making us watch her as she silently reads, flaunting her prerogative. Obscene 275 x-public account > copycat crimes; crimes of others a ssecret language 276 touch rope as unity, complicity ch 43 277 form a circle 278 Particicution 279 penalty for rape is death. Deut 22:23-24 (23 “If a young woman who is a virgin is betrothed to a husband, and a man finds her in the city and lies with her, 24 then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them to death with stones, the young woman because she did not cry out in the city, and the man because he humbled his neighbor’s wife; so you shall put away the evil from among you. [NKJV]) He says, "I didn't . . . " This is freedom, in my body also 280 He has become an it. [dehumanization / objectification] 280 x-rapist > a political 281 get smell off my skin ch 44 282 She isn't Ofglen . . . 283 "I am Ofglen" 284 my body no longer for pleasure only but senses its jeopardy 285 Dear God, don't make me choose. She hanged herself . . . She saw the van coming for her. ch 45 286 do what they like with me. I am abject, feel their true power 287 I've been found out XV. Night ch 46 291 waiting, suspension. Don't let the bastards grind you down. 292 Fatigue is here, in my body . . . what gets you in the end 293 there were always two of us 293 black van, Nick, it's Mayday, calls me by my name 294 Trust me . . . snatch at this offer [exchange, reception] 245 my end or a new beginning "Historical Notes to The Handmaid's Tale" [utopian genre as satire?] 299 partial transcript, twelfth Symposium on Gileadean Studies, U. of Denay, Nunavit Depart of Caucasian Anthropology Professor Maryann Cresent Moon 300 Sumptuary Laws [sumptuary = pertaining to or regulating expenditure] Iran and Gildead . . . monotheocracies co-editor, manuscript "Problems of Authentication" 301 homage to Chaucer thirty tape cassettes, 80s & 90s > compact discs The A. B. Memoirs, Diary of P. typo antiquarian technician, reconstructed tape machine music > speaking voice 302 Elvis, Boy George, Twisted Sisters [?] not to censure but understand 303 emotion recollected, if not in tranquility, at least post facto establish an identity for narrator Gilead wipes computers and print-outs after purges, upheavals 304 propaganda, Save the Women societies (England) plummeting Caucasian birthrates birth control, intentional R-strain syphilis & AIDS; nuclear, chemical and biological warfare, insecticides, herbicides 305 Rumania x-birth control, compulsory pregnancy tests serial polygamy > simultaneous polygamy of Old Testament incoproporation of previous period, esp. racism 306 Spheres of Influence Accord sociobiological theory of natural polygamy irony "Fred" name survives [but why wouldn't narrator change this name too?] 307 National Homelands & Jewish boat-person plans big mistake was teaching them to read in the first place tear a man apart [Maenads] 308 Salvagings at equinoxes, solstices effective totalitarian regimes control women through women themselves [aphorism] when power scarce, a little tempting 309 sterility-causing virus < gene-splicing 310 Nick as double agent Goddess of History 311 The human heart remains a factor any questions?
Wikipedia article on Handmaid's Tale The night sections are solely about Offred, and the other sections (shopping, waiting room, household, etc.) are the stories that describe the possible life of every handmaid, though from the perspective of Offred.